Milnor–Moore theorem

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In algebra, the Milnor–Moore theorem, introduced by John W. Milnor and John C. Moore (1965) classifies an important class of Hopf algebras, of the sort that often show up as cohomology rings in algebraic topology.

The theorem states: given a connected, graded, cocommutative Hopf algebra A over a field of characteristic zero with for all n, the natural Hopf algebra homomorphism

from the universal enveloping algebra of the graded Lie algebra of primitive elements of A to A is an isomorphism. Here we say A is connected if is the field and for negative n. The universal enveloping algebra of a graded Lie algebra L is the quotient of the tensor algebra of L by the two-sided ideal generated by all elements of the form .

In algebraic topology, the term usually refers to the corollary of the aforementioned result, that for a pointed, simply connected space X, the following isomorphism holds:

where denotes the loop space of X, compare with Theorem 21.5 from (Félix, Halperin & Thomas 2001). This work may also be compared with that of (Halpern 1958a, 1958b).


  • Bloch, Spencer. "Lecture 3 on Hopf algebras" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-06-10. Retrieved 2014-07-18.
  • Félix, Yves; Halperin, Steve; Thomas, Jean-Claude (2001). Rational homotopy theory. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. 205. New York: Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-0105-9. ISBN 0-387-95068-0. MR 1802847.
  • Halpern, Edward (1958a), "Twisted polynomial hyperalgebras", Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 29: 61 pp, MR 0104225
  • Halpern, Edward (1958b), "On the structure of hyperalgebras. Class 1 Hopf algebras", Portugaliae Mathematica, 17 (4): 127–147, MR 0111023
  • May, J. Peter (1969). "Some remarks on the structure of Hopf algebras" (PDF). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 23 (3): 708–713. doi:10.2307/2036615. JSTOR 2036615. MR 0246938.
  • Milnor, John W.; Moore, John C. (1965). "On the structure of Hopf algebras". Annals of Mathematics. 81 (2): 211–264. doi:10.2307/1970615. JSTOR 1970615. MR 0174052.

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