Mirko Valentić

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Mirko Valentić
Born (1932-09-19) 19 September 1932 (age 88)

Mirko Valentić (born 19 September 1932) is a Croatian historian.


Mirko Valentić was born on 19 September 1932 in Ivanjska near Banja Luka, then part of the Vrbas Banovina, Kingdom of Yugoslavia (modern-day Bosnia and Herzegovina). In 1961 he graduated history at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb and received his doctorate in 1978 with the thesis "Hrvatsko-slavonska Vojna krajina i pitanje njezina sjedinjenja s Hrvatskom 1849.-1881" (Croatian-Slavonian Military Border and the question of its unification with Croatia 1849-1881). Since 1993 he working as a professor at the Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb Department of History, Course Croatia from the 16th to the 18th century.

Since 2005 he has been a member of the council for the preparation of Amicus curiae before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.[1]

Research topics of Mirko Valentić are Military Frontier; Transport integration and Adriatic orientation of Croatia; Migration and colonization processes during the 16th and 17th centuries; Burgenland Croats; Greater Serbian projects of the 19th and 20th centuries.[2]

Selected works[]

  • Kameni spomenici Hrvatske XIII-XIX stoljeća, Zagreb, 1969.
  • Gradišćanski Hrvati od XVI stoljeća do danas, Zagreb, 1970.
  • Die Burgelaendische Kroaten, Eisenstadt: Landesmuseum Eisenstadt, 1972.
  • The Military Frontier and the Question of Its Unification with Croatia, 1849–1881, Zagreb, 1981.
  • Vojna krajina u Hrvatskoj, Zagreb, 1981.
  • O etničkom korijenu hrvatskih i bosanskih Srba, Zagreb, 1992.
  • Das Eisenbahnnetz in der Militaergrenze Plaene und Verwirklichung, Wien, 1993.
  • Hrvatska na tajnim zemljovidima 18. i 19. st. Sv. 10: Varaždinska županija Zagreb, 2006
  • Rat protiv Hrvatske - 1991. - 1995. - Velikosrpski projekti od ideje do realizacije, Zagreb, 2010.
  • War against Croatia 1991 - 1995: Greater Serbian projects from idea to implementation, Zagreb - Slavonski Brod, 2012.

Legacy and awards[]

Časni znak zemlje Gradišće(2013)[3]


  1. ^ Prof. dr. sc. Mirko Valentić, scientist emeritus, Hrvatski institut za povijest( Croatian Institute of History) [1]
  2. ^ Prof. dr. sc. Mirko Valentić, scientist emeritus, Hrvatski institut za povijest( Croatian Institute of History) [2]
  3. ^ Časni znak za Mirka Valentića(Časni znak for Mirko Valentić) Burgenland Croat award [3]

External links[]

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