Mixed electoral system

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A mixed electoral system or mixed-member electoral system is one that combines different types of electoral systems to elect a single assembly. A mixed system may be characterized by one or more of the following:

  • It combines a system that provides majoritarian representation with one that provides proportional representation (PR).[1][2][3] The majoritarian component is usually first-past-the-post voting (FPTP/SMP),[4] whereas the proportional component is most often based on party-list PR. The results of the combination may be mixed-member proportional (MMP), where the overall results of the elections are proportional[2] or mixed-member majoritarian, in which case the overall results are semi-proportional, retaining disproportionalities from the majoritarian component.
  • It combines local representation[5] (most often single-member constituencies) with regional or national (multi-member constituencies) representation. Mixed systems may or may not have multiple tiers:[6] most mixed systems have both local and national/regional tiers (called superposition), but some have only one at-large (national) tier, like the majority bonus system (fusion) or only a single tier for local/regional representation (called coexistence).
  • It combines personal elections (where voters vote for candidates) and list elections (where voter vote for electoral lists of parties). In most mixed systems every voter can influence both the district-based and PR aspects of an election[7] (e.g. under parallel voting), in others, the voter casts just one vote (mixed single vote), which is used to contribute to both a personal (usually district) election and to the filling of seats through list system .[8] Most mixed systems have all the voters contributing to the election of both groups of members.

In a hybrid system, different electoral formulas are used in different contexts. These may be seen in coexistence, when different methods are used in different regions of a country, such as when FPTP is used in single-member districts and list-PR in multi-member districts, but every voter is a member of only one district (one tier). Some hybrid systems are generally not referred to as mixed systems, such as when as FPTP districts are the exception (e.g. overseas constituency) and list-PR is the rule, the overall system is usually considered proportional. Similarly, when FPTP is in single-member districts and used block voting (or party block voting) is used in multi-member districts, the system is referred to as a majoritarian one, as all components are majoritarian. Most mixed systems are not referred to as hybrid systems

There are also supermixed systems, like rural-urban proportional (RUP), which is a hybrid mixed system that uses STV in urban regions and MMP (itself a mixed system) in rural-regions.[4] Another supermixed system is scorporo, which is a hybrid of parallel voting and the mixed single vote). [9]

The prominent mixed electoral systems are mixed-member proportional representation (MMP) and mixed-member majoritarian representation via parallel voting (FPTP/SMP + party-list PR).

Compensatory/non-compensatory seat allocation[]

A distinction is often made between mixed compensatory systems and mixed non-compensatory systems.[8] In both types of systems, one set of seats is allocated using a plurality or majoritarian method, usually First past the post. The remaining seats are allocated to political parties partially or wholly based on a proportional allocation method such as highest averages or largest remainder. The difference is whether or not the results of the district elections are considered when allocating the PR seats.

In mixed non-compensatory systems, such as Parallel voting,[4] the proportional allocation is performed independently of the district election component.

In mixed compensatory systems, the allocation of the top-up seats is done in such a way as to compensate as much as possible for dis-proportionality produced by the district elections. MMP generally produces proportional election outcomes, meaning that a political party that wins n percent of the vote will receive roughly n percent of the seats.

The following hypothetical example based on the one by Massicotte[4] illustrates how "top-up" PR seats are typically allocated in a compensatory system and in a non-compensatory system. The example assumes a 200-seat legislative assembly where 100 seats are filled using FPTP and the other 100 seats are awarded to parties using a form of PR. The table below gives the popular vote and FPTP results. The number of PR seats allocated to each party depends on whether the system is compensatory or non-compensatory.

Party Popular vote FPTP seats PR seats Total seats (FPTP + PR) FPTP seats
Party A 44% 64 ? ? Mixed compensatory example fptp.svg
Party B 40% 33 ? ?
Party C 10% 0 ? ?
Party D 6% 3 ? ?
TOTAL 100% 100 100 200

In non compensatory system, each party wins its proportional share of the 100 PR seats. Under such a system, the total number of seats (FPTP + PR) received by each party would not be proportional to its share of the popular vote. Party A receives just slightly less of the popular vote than Party B, but receives significantly more seats. In addition to its success in the district contests, Party A receives almost as many of the PR seats as Party B.

Party Popular vote FPTP seats PR seats (non-compensatory) Total seats (FPTP + PR) PR seats (non-compensatory) Total seats (FPTP + PR)
Party A 44% 64 44 108 (54% of assembly) Mixed compensatory example non compensatory parallel seats.svg Mixed compensatory example non compensatory total seats.svg
Party B 40% 33 40 73 (36.5% of assembly)
Party C 10% 0 10 10 (5% of assembly)
Party D 6% 3 6 9 (4.5% of assembly)
TOTAL 100% 100 100 200

If the PR seats are allocated in a compensatory system, the total number of seats awarded to each party is proportional to the party's share of the popular vote. Party B wins 33 of the district seats and its proportional share of the 200 seats being filled is 80 seats (40 percent of the total 200 seats) (the same as its share of the popular vote) so it is awarded 47 of the PR seats.

Party Popular vote FPTP seats PR seats (compensatory) Total seats (FPTP + PR) PR seats (compensatory) Total seats (FPTP + PR)
Party A 44% 64 24 88 (44% of assembly)
Mixed-compensatory-example compensatory seats.svg
Mixed-compensatory-example total seats.svg
Party B 40% 33 47 80 (40% of assembly)
Party C 10% 0 20 20 (10% of assembly)
Party D 6% 3 9 12 (6% of assembly)
TOTAL 100% 100 100 200

In practice, compensatory seat allocation is complicated by the possibility that one or more parties wins so many of the district seats ("overhang") that the available number of PR seats is insufficient to produce a fully proportional outcome.[10] Some mixed compensatory systems have rules that address these situations by adding additional PR seats to achieve overall PR. These seats are used only until the next election, unless needed again at that time.[4]

The two common ways compensation occurs are seat linkage compensation (or top-up) and vote linkage compensation (or vote transfer).[10] Like a non-compensatory mixed system, a compensatory mixed system may be based on the Mixed single vote (voters vote for a local candidate and that vote is used to set the party share of the popular vote for the party that the candidate belongs to) or it may be based on voters casting two separate votes.[11]

single vote systems dual vote systems
name results name results
Seat linkage mixed single vote, top-up versions (MSV)
  • single vote MMP
  • single vote AMS
proportional / semi-proportional mixed-member proportional representation (MMP) proportional
additional member system (AMS) proportional / semi-proportional
alternative vote plus (AV+) proportional / semi-proportional
Vote linkage positive vote transfer system (PVT/MSV) proportional / semi-proportional scorporo / negative vote transfer (hybrid: MSV combined with parallel voting) semi-proportional
dual-member proportional (DMP) proportional / semi-proportional mixed ballot transferable vote (MBTV) proportional / semi-proportional

Types of mixed systems[]

Below is a table of different categories of mixed electoral systems based on the 5 main types identified by Massicotte&Blais.[7]

Type Attributes System Example(s) for use
Independent combination Fusion Two formulas are used within each district Majority bonus (MBS) Greece (formerly)
Coexistence (hybrid) Different districts use different systems in one tier e.g. FPTP/SMP in single-member districts, list-PR in multi-member districts Democratic Republic of the Congo, Panama
Superposition Different tiers use different systems Parallel voting (e.g. FPTP/SMP locally, list-PR nationally) Lithuania, Russia
Single vote mixed-member majoritarian (e.g. FPTP/SMP locally, list-PR nationally) Italy
Dependent combination Correction (compensatory) One formula uses the results of other to compensate Mixed-member proportional representation (MMP) Germany, New Zealand
Additional member system (AMS) - the semi-proportional version of MMP Scotland, Wales
Compensatory versions of mixed single vote, like positive vote transfer systems (PVT) or single vote MMP Lesotho, Bolivia
Armenia, San Marino
Conditional Outcome of one formula determines the other formula e.g. conditional party block voting: party that receives more than 50%, gets all seats otherwise winner gets 50% of seats and rest is distributed proportionally
Combination of combinations Supermixed Superposition + correction Scorporo / negative vote transfer (NVT), Parallel voting + PVT, Parallel voting + AMS Hungary, South Korea
Coexistence + conditional e.g. FPTP/SMP in single-member districts, conditional party block voting in multi-member districts Cameroon, Chad
Coexistence + correction Rural-urban proportional representation (RUP) -
Fusion + correction Dual-member proportional representation (DMP) -

Mixed member majoritarian representation (MMM) and parallel voting[]

Parallel voting is a mixed non-compensatory system with two tiers of representatives: a tier of single-member district representatives elected by a plurality/majoritarian method such as FPTP/SMP, and a tier of regional or at-large representatives elected by a separate proportional method such as party list PR. It is used for the first chamber (lower house) in many countries including Japan, South Korea, and Russia.

This type of parallel voting provides semi-proportional results, but is often referred to as mixed-member majoritarian representation, as the lack of compensation means each party can keep all the

Mixed member proportional representation (MMP) and additional member systems[]

Like parallel voting, MMP and AMS also have a tier of district representatives typically elected by FPTP, and a tier of regional or at-large representatives elected by PR. Unlike parallel voting, MMP and AMS are mixed compensatory systems, meaning that the PR seats are allocated in a manner that corrects disproportionality caused by the district tier. MMP corrects disproportionalities by adding as many leveling seats as needed, this system is used by Germany and New Zealand.

The type of MMP which does not always yield proportional results, but sometimes only "mixed semi-proportional representation" is called an additional member system. If the fixed number of compensatory seats are enough to compensate the results of the majoritarian FPTP/SMP side of the election, AMS is equivalent to MMP, but if not, AMS does not compensate for remaining overhang seats. In Bolivia and Lesotho, where single vote versions of AMS are used with a relatively large number of compensatory seats, results are usually proportional. AMS models used in parts of the UK (Scotland and Wales), with small regions with a fixed number of seats tend to produce only moderately proportional election outcomes.

Majority bonus and majority jackpot systems[]

Electoral systems with a majority bonus have been referred to as "unconventional mixed systems".[12] Employed by Armenia, Greece, and San Marino, as well as Italy from 2006 to 2013,[13] majority bonuses help the most popular party or alliance win a majority of the seats with a minority of the votes, similar in principle to plurality/majoritarian systems. However, PR is used to distribute seats among the opposition parties, and possibly within the governing alliance.

Vote transfer systems[]

Mixed single vote and positive vote transfer (PVT)[]

MSV is a mixed compensatory type of systems using only a single vote that serves both as a vote for a local candidate and as a transfer vote on the compensatory tier. Similar to MMP, proportionality depends on the exact parameters to such a system, but it differs in that vote linkage (vote transfer) is used instead of seat linkage and split ticket voting is not possible. The system was used in Germany,[11] and is currently used in Hungary for some local elections and in a modified form also for national elections (combined with parallel voting as part of a more complex system).

Scorporo and negative vote transfer (NVT)[]

Scorporo is a two-tier mixed system similar to MMP in that voters have two votes (one for a local candidate on the lower tier, and one for a party list on the upper tier), except that disproportionality caused by the single-member district tier is partially addressed through a vote transfer mechanism.[14] Votes that are crucial to the election of district-winning candidates are excluded from the PR seat allocation, for this reason the method used by scorporo is referred to as a negative vote transfer system.[15] The system was used in Italy from 1993 to 2005, and a modified version is currently used in Hungary.[16] Unlike scorporo, this version uses a positive vote transfer system, in which "wasted" votes (including surplus votes of winners) are added to the results of the party list vote, in this respect it is a hybrid of parallel voting and the mixed single vote.

Other mixed systems[]

Alternative vote plus (AV+)[]

AV+ is a mixed compensatory system similar to the additional member system, with the notable difference that the district seats are awarded using the alternative vote. The system was proposed by the Jenkins Commission as a possible alternative to FPTP for elections to the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

Dual member proportional (DMP)[]

DMP is a mixed compensatory system similar to MMP, except that the plurality and PR seats are paired and dedicated to dual-member (two seat) districts. Proposed as an alternative to FPTP for Canadian elections, DMP appeared as an option on a 2016 plebiscite in Prince Edward Island and a 2018 referendum in British Columbia.

Mixed ballot transferable vote (MBTV)[]

MBTV is a mixed compensatory type of systems similar to MSV, except voters can vote separately for a local candidate and as a transfer vote on the compensatory tier.[17] It is different from MMP/AMS and AV+ in that there is a vote linkage (instead of seat linkage) between the tiers. The two parts of the dual ballot are tied in a way that only those lists votes get counted, which are on ballots that would be transfer votes in an equivalent positive vote transfer MSV system.

List of countries using mixed systems[]

The table below lists the countries that use a mixed electoral system for the first chamber of the legislature. Countries with coexistence-based hybrid systems have been excluded from the table, as have countries that mix two plurality/majoritarian systems. (See also the complete list of electoral systems by country.)

Country Latest election


Type of mixed system Seats per constituency Mixed system Component electoral systems Total seats Number of votes Typical results Notes
Andorra Andorra General Council 2018 Non-compensatory (MMM) Supermixed parallel voting (superposition) and additional member system (correction) Party block voting and party-list PR semi-proportional
Armenia Armenia Partially compensatory (MMM) Majority jackpot system Party-list PR + party block voting (PBV)
Bolivia Bolivia Chamber of Deputies 2020 Compensatory 1 (local districts), ? (regional constituencies), 7 (indigenous seats elected by the usos y costumbres) Additional member system (AMS) - MMP without levelling seats First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) + Party-list PR 1 (double simultaneous vote) proportional
Georgia (country) Georgia Parliament 2020 Non-compensatory (MMM) semi-proportional
Germany Germany Bundestag (lower house of the federal parliament) 2021 Compensatory 1 (local districts), varies (regional constituencies), Mixed-member proportional representation (MMP) - with levelling seats Party-list PR + First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) 598 + leveling seats 2 proportional Referred to as personalized proportional representation,[18] in 1949 as a result of inter-party bargaining.[19] Originally used single vote version, switched to two vote version before the 1953 election.
State parliaments, except varies by state Compensatory varies by state Mixed-member proportional representation (MMP) - with levelling seats Party-list PR + First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) varies by state varies by state Bavaria uniquely uses an open-list system for its party-list seats. Baden-Württemberg uses MMP without lists.
Greece Non-compensatory (MMM) Majority bonus semi-proportional
Guinea Guinea National Assembly 2020 Non-compensatory (MMM) 1 (local districts), 76 (national constituency) Parallel voting / superposition Party-list PR (Hare quota) + First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) semi-proportional
Hungary Hungary National Assembly (Országgyűlés) 2018 Partially compensatory (MMM) 1 (local districts), 93 (national constituency) Supermixed: parallel voting (superposition) and positive vote transfer (correction) First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) + national list-PR semi-proportional
Italy Italy Chamber of Deputies 2018 Non-compensatory (MMM) Superposition List PR + First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) semi-proportional mixed single vote
Senate 2018 Non-compensatory (MMM) Superposition List PR + First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) semi-proportional mixed single vote
South Korea Republic of Korea (South Korea) National Assembly 2020 Partially compensatory (MMM) 1 (local districts), 17 supplementary seats (parallel voting), 30 additional seats (AMS), Supermixed parallel voting (superposition) and additional member system (correction) Party-list PR + First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) semi-proportional
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Supreme Council 2021 Non-compensatory (MMM) 1 (local districts), 54 (nationwide constituency) Parallel voting / superposition Party-list PR + First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) semi-proportional
Japan Non-compensatory semi-proportional
Lesotho Compensatory Additional member system (AMS) 1 (mixed single vote) proportional
Lithuania Non-compensatory (MMM) semi-proportional
Mauritania Non-compensatory (MMM)
Mexico Mexico Chamber of Deputies 2021 Partially compensatory (MMM) 1 (local districts), 40 (multi-member districts) Supermixed parallel voting (superposition) and additional member system (correction):

Since 1996, a party cannot get more seats overall than 8% above its result nationally (i.e., to win 50% of the legislative seats, a party must win at least 42% of the vote nationwide). There are three exceptions on this rule: first, a party can only lose PR-seats due to this rule (and no plurality-seats); second, a party can never get more than 300 seats overall (even if it has more than 52% of the vote nationally); and third, a party can exceed this 8% rule if it wins the seats in the single-member districts.

First-past-the-post (FPTP/SMP) + Party-list PR (Largest remainder:Hare quota) 2 semi-proportional
Chamber of Senators 2018 Non-compensatory (MMM) 3 (local districts), 32 (multi-member districts) Superposition Limited (party) block voting locally (2 seats from each constituency to largest party, 1 to the second largest party) + Party-list PR nationwide 1 single vote
Monaco Non-compensatory (MMM)
Mongolia Non-compensatory (MMM)
Morocco Non-compensatory (MMM)
Nepal Non-compensatory (MMM)
New Zealand Compensatory mixed member proportional (MMP)
Philippines Non-compensatory (MMM)
Russia Non-compensatory (MMM)
San Marino Majority bonus semi-proportional
Scotland Compensatory Additional member system (AMS) semi-proportional
Senegal Non-compensatory (MMM)
Seychelles Non-compensatory (MMM)
Sri Lanka Non-compensatory (MMM)
Taiwan Non-compensatory (MMM)
Tajikistan Non-compensatory (MMM)
Tanzania Non-compensatory (MMM)
Thailand Compensatory Additional member system (AMS) 1 (mixed single vote) proportional
Ukraine Non-compensatory (MMM) semi-proportional
Venezuela Non-compensatory (MMM)
Wales Compensatory Additional member system (AMS) semi-proportional
Zimbabwe Non-compensatory (MMM)

See also[]


  1. ^ "Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook". International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. 2005.
  2. ^ a b ACE Project Electoral Knowledge Network. "Mixed Systems". Retrieved 20 October 2017.
  3. ^ Norris, Pippa (1997). "Choosing Electoral Systems: Proportional, Majoritarian and Mixed Systems" (PDF). Harvard University.
  4. ^ a b c d e Massicotte, Louis (2004). In Search of Compensatory Mixed Electoral System for Québec (PDF) (Report).
  5. ^ "Electoral Systems and the Delimitation of Constituencies". International Foundation for Electoral Systems. 2 Jul 2009.
  6. ^ Bormann, Nils-Christian; Golder, Matt (2013). "Democratic Electoral Systems around the world, 1946–2011" (PDF). Electoral Studies. 32 (2): 360–369. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2013.01.005.
  7. ^ a b Massicotte & Blais (1999). "Mixed electoral systems: a conceptual and empirical survey". Electoral Studies.
  8. ^ a b Bochsler, Daniel (May 13, 2010). "Chapter 5, How Party Systems Develop in Mixed Electoral Systems". Territory and Electoral Rules in Post-Communist Democracies. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230281424.
  9. ^ Massicotte & Blais (1999). "Mixed electoral systems: a conceptual and empirical survey". Electoral Studies.
  10. ^ a b Bochsler, Daniel (2012). "A quasi-proportional electoral system 'only for honest men'? The hidden potential for manipulating mixed compensatory electoral systems" (PDF). International Political Science Review. 33 (4): 401–420. doi:10.1177/0192512111420770. S2CID 154545923.
  11. ^ a b Golosov, G. V. (2013). "The Case for Mixed Single Vote Electoral Systems". The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies.
  12. ^ Bedock, Camille; Sauger, Nicolas (2014). "Electoral Systems with a Majority Bonus as Unconventional Mixed Systems". Representation. 50 (1): 99–12. doi:10.1080/00344893.2014.902220. S2CID 154685383.
  13. ^ Marco Bertacche (March 2, 2018). "How Italy's New Electoral System Works". Bloomberg Politics.
  14. ^ Bochsler, Daniel; Golder, Matt (2014). "Which mixed-member proportional electoral formula fits you best? Assessing the proportionality principle of positive vote transfer systems" (PDF). Representation. 50 (1): 113–127. doi:10.1080/00344893.2014.902222. S2CID 153691414.
  15. ^ Ferrara, F (2003). "Electoral coordination and the strategic desertion of strong parties in compensatory mixed systems with negative vote transfers". Electoral Studies.
  16. ^ Le Breton, Michel; Lepelley, Dominique; Merlin, Vincent (2015). "The probability of casting a decisive vote in a mixed-member electoral system using plurality at large" (PDF).
  17. ^ "Electoral incentives and the equal value of ballots in vote transfer systems with positive winner compensation".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  18. ^ "The Voting System". BMI. Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building & Community.
  19. ^ Krennerich, Michael. "Germany: The Original Mixed Member Proportional System". ACE Project. The Electoral Knowledge Network.

External links[]

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