Monadic plane

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Planes of existence

Gross and subtle bodies

Full list

1. Spiritual plane / Monadic plane / Divine plane :

Divine Spirit / Word / Adi

2. Spiritual plane:

Holy Spirit / Word

3. Spiritual plane:

Spirit / Word

4. Spiritual / Causal plane / Buddhic plane :

Human spirit / Oversoul, Soul / Causal body

5 Mental / Causal plane:

Mind, Causal body, Mental body, Projection / OBE

6. Astral-Ethereal plane:

Life / Ether-Astral body, Projection / OBE

7. Material plane:

Material body

The 7 Worlds & the 7 Cosmic Planes
The Seven-fold constitution of Man
The Ten-fold constitution of Man

Body of light | Great Work
Hermeticism | Cosmogony
Surat Shabda Yoga
Jain cosmology
Sufi cosmology
Talas/Lokas - Tattvas, Kosas, Upadhis
Buddhist cosmology
Aeons, Archons
Atziluth > Beri'ah > Yetzirah > Assiah


Fourth Way

Ray of Creation
The Laws

In Theosophy, the Monadic Plane is the plane in which the Monad (also called the Oversoul) is said to exist.[citation needed] The term "Monad" is from the Greek word μονάς (monas), which means "singularity", and was used by Ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato. According to Alan Schneider[who?], the Monadic Plane is the Sixth Plane of Ascension, and is analogous to the Sixth Chakra, Ajna, and the Hidden Sephirah of the Cabalistic Tree of Life – Daath, whatever that means. (Da'ath/Da'at represents the "reflection of" (the "inner dimension" of) the infinity of Keter) It would appear, though it is not certain by any means, that it is possible for a human to attain this spiritual realm after ascending through lower, possibly inferior, planes of existence. ( the higher consciousness has also to descend into mind, into life, into Matter) The Physical plane being the lowest of all. It is rare occurrence indeed to meet someone on the Monadic plane, and thus of great spiritual significance.[1]

Theosophical differences[]

'Classical' 1800s Theosophy does not say the monad is human, but Annie Besant & Charles Leadbeater may have said so, and Alice Bailey or others, who uses similar ideas, did say so. The Arcane School ideas also use the concept of the Monad. Some schools of thought equate the Monadic Plane with the Hyperplane, while others view the Monadic Plane as enclosing and interpenetrating many hyperplanes.

See also[]


  1. ^ "The Monadic Plane". Retrieved 2019-04-28.
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