Monastery of Sant Esteve i Sant Hilari

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The monastery of Sant Esteve i Sant Hilari in the municipality of Alp in the region of Baixa Cerdanya, Spain, was a monastery created during the ninth century.[1] Count Frèdol in 815 is the one who built the cell dedicated to Saint Stephen and Hilari, commonly called St. .[2][3] Jaume Martí located the ruins of the monastery[4] on the road from Alp to La Molina. The monastery today is rubble with a large slate slab and walls worked with opus spicatum, which is also found in other churches near this area, such as , and at the foundation of the apse of and above all that of in Fontanals de Cerdanya. The monastery was dependent on the monastery of Sant Serni de Tavèrnoles. A tomb from the medieval period has also been found at the site.


  1. ^ Sant Esteve d’Umfred». L'Enciclopè Barcelona.
  2. ^ Ventosa i Serra, Enric. Les Esglésies romàniques de la Cerdanya. Farell Editors, 2004. ISBN 84-95695-39-1.
  3. ^ Villanueva, Jaime. Viage literario a la iglesias de España. Tomo X: Viage a Urgel (en castellà). Valencia: Imprenta de Oliveres, antes Estevan, 1827, p. 49-50
  4. ^ external webpage dedicated to the site.4

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