Mottos of Romanian institutions

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Romania has no official motto. Between the years 1859 and 1866 there were several mottos placed on the several coats of arms of the country (like Toți în unu – "All in one"). From 1866 (when the prince Carol I became sovereign of Romania) until 1947 (when the Kingdom was abolished by force by the communists), the official motto was the one of the House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen: Nihil Sine Deo ("Nothing Without God" in Latin). During the communist regime the country had no motto.

Romanian institutions and their mottos[]

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Semper Fidelis Patriae ("Always Loyal to the Motherland")
  • Ministry of National Defense: Honor et Patria or Onoare şi Patrie ("Honor and Motherland")
  • Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform: Pro Patria et Ordine Iuris ("For the Motherland and the Rule of Law")
  • Ministry of Justice: Justitia Est Fundamentum Regnorum ("Justice is Fundamental to Reign")
  • The Protection Service: Semper Fidelis ("Always Faithful")

Other mottos[]

See also[]

  • The coats of arms of the respective institutions


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