Murmansk Finns

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Murmansk Finns
Murman region.png
Total population
Russian, Finnish
Related ethnic groups
Finnish people, Ingrian Finns, Kvens

Murmansk Finns (Fin: Kuolansuomalaiset , Muurmanninsuomalaiset) are a group of Finns living in Murmansk. They came to Murmansk around 1860 during the Finnish famine of 1866–68.[1] However, there was another immigration perioid in 1900, due to the building of the Kirov Railway. In 2010 there were 273 Finns in living in Murmansk[2]


in 1920 when Petsamo was given to Finland, many Murmansk Finns moved to Petsamo. However two thirds of Murmansk Finns stayed in Soviet Russia

During the Stalin era, the Murmansk Finns were heavily persecuted,[3] nearly all Murmansk Finns died during Stalin's leadership. Some were deported to Karelia and others beyond the Altai mountains. The population of Päiväjärvi were sent to gulags, and 90% of the people died in there.[4]The last Murmansk Finnish villages were emptied near to the end of 1930, when 6 973 Finns, Norwegians and Swedes were deported.[1]


Around the end of the Tsardom, there were about 40 villages or towns where Murmansk Finns lived.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Mikko, Kuitula (2020). "Muurmannin rannalle ja Venäjän Lappiin : Suomalaisten siirtolaisuus Kuolan niemimaalle ja kuolansuomalaiset 1858–1917". Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  2. ^
  3. ^ "Agnessa Haikara tutki sukunsa vainoa Venäjällä ja kirjoitti siitä kirjan – sitten kirjapainosta kerrottiin, että turvallisuuspalvelu kiinnostui niistä". 18 February 2021.
  4. ^ "Stalin tapatti lähes kaikki Muurmannin suomalaiset keskitysleireillä – alueen ihmisten tarinat tulevat vihdoin julkisuuteen".

External links[]

Audio recording of the Finnish dialect in Pechengsky

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