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Nanopipettes are pipettes in nanometer scale, generally made from quartz capillaries with the help of laser-based pipette .[1] Glass and carbon nanopipettes are most encountered ones in literature. Carbon nanopipettes are nanopipette shaped, hollow carbon layer. The thickness or diameter of nanopipettes can be altered. Glass nanopipettes have a wide range of usage areas like electrophysiological settings, microinjection needles etc.[2] After glass nanopipettes are fabricated and coated with carbon layer in different ways, wet-etching method is applied to get carbon nanopipettes.[3][4] Wet-etching method is done to get rid of glass nanopipettes.[3]


  1. ^ K. Hu, Y. Wang, H. Cai and V. Mirkin, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 8897-8901
  2. ^ Y. Fu, H. Tokuhisa and L. Baker, Chemical Communications, 2009, 4877-4879
  3. ^ a b M. Schrlau, E. Falls, B. Ziober and H. Bau, Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 0151101
  4. ^ R. Singhal, S. Bhattacharyya, Z. Orynbayeva, E. Vitol, G. Friedman and Y. Gogotsi, Nanotechnology, 2010, 21, 015304
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