New Trade Union Initiative

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New Trade Union Initiative is a trade union centre in India founded in 2002.[1] NTUI proclaims itself as independent from political parties.[2] Its core constituent is the National Centre for Labour, a trade union of informal sector workers.[3] The founding conference of NTUI was held in 2006. Y.V. Chavan was elected president of NTUI, Ashim Roy the general secretary.[4] At the time of the 2006 conference, NTUI had around 300 affiliated unions.[5]

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  1. ^ Anheier, Helmut/Glasius, Marlies/Kaldor, Mary. Global civil society 2004/5. London: SAGE, 2005. 197
  2. ^ LO-TCO Biståndsnämnd: Indien
  3. ^ Menon, Nivedita/Nigam, Aditya. Power and contestation : India since 1989. London/New York City: Zed Books, 2007. p. 118
  4. ^ Report of the Founding Conference of the New Trade Union Initiative
  5. ^ The Hindu Business Line : Unfair to women
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