Nia (fitness)

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The NIA Technique is a mind/body physical conditioning program that initially stood for Non-Impact Aerobics, a health and fitness alternative that emerged in the '80's, and evolved to include neurological integrative practices and teachings.[1][2] The Nia Technique was founded in 1983 by Debbie Rosas and Carlos AyaRosas in the San Francisco area. Nia combines martial arts, modern dance arts and yoga in a workout set to music.[3]


From 1972 to 1983 Debbie Rosas operated an exercise business in the San Francisco Bay Area known as the Bod Squad.[4] In 1983 a series of sports related injuries prompted her to research and develop an alternative method of aerobic exercise and strength training aiming for safe, non-impact, bodymind based movement.

This led to the establishment of the Nia Technique.[5] Nia Technique headquarters moved to Portland, Oregon in 1991 and is currently overseen by Debbie Rosas, CEO.

What is Nia?[]

The term Nia stands for ‘neuromuscular integrative action’ and ‘non-impact aerobics’. In Swahili, Nia can translate to meaning 'with purpose'.[6] One objective of Nia is to give purpose to a movement or movements that feel good to you. It is much more personalized than typical workout classes. You are encouraged to express yourself with your movement, rather than following an instructor the whole time.[6] Nia aims to comprise aspects of tai chi with dance and yoga movements with music to accompany it."What is Nia? : The Center for Nia & Yoga". Retrieved 2022-02-15.</ref> It's basis is 52 movements that work on the three main areas of the body: base, core, and upper extremities. There are three intensity levels, so all levels of fitness can enjoy. Altogether, Nia uses nine "movement forms" to create the experience. The nine forms include: Jazz dance, Modern dance, Duncan dance, Tai Chi, TaeKwon Do, Aikido, Yoga, Feldenkrais Method, and the Alexander Technique.[7]

Typical Nia Class[]

An average class usually lasts for about an hour, and with the three different levels of intensity to choose from and all classes being low intensity anyone can join.[6] Class is completed in bare feet to give participants a stronger connection between them and the earth. To get everyone into the "Nia state of mind", every class starts with the instructor leading in some breathing exercises to light music.[6] After that you will be warmed up to be ready for the main part of the session. The idea for this segment of the class is to let go of all your pent up emotions through participating in the movements. As the music tempo increases, you're encouraged by your instructor to interact with your thoughts and emotions.[6]

Further reading[]


External links[]

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