
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Norðurljós was an Icelandic mass media corporation. It owned the television stations Stöð 2, Sýn and , several radio stations, including Bylgjan and the daily newspapers Fréttablaðið and DV.[1] All of those were sold to the telecommunications company Og fjarskipti, and split into 365 ljósvakamiðlar (TV and radio stations) and 365 prentmiðlar (newspapers).[2] It also used to own the stores , Office 1 Superstore (in Iceland), (in Iceland) and and the cinemas and Regnboginn, which were sold earlier to .


  1. ^ "Norðurljós og Frétt sameinuð". Morgunblaðið (in Icelandic). 31 January 2004. Retrieved 13 October 2018.
  2. ^ "Og Vodafone kaupir tvö dótturfélög Norðurljósa en ekki félagið allt". Morgunblaðið (in Icelandic). 7 December 2004. Retrieved 13 October 2018.
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