Norrländsk uppslagsbok

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Norrländsk uppslagsbok (shortened NU) is a Swedish scholarly encyclopedia on the land Norrland in northern Sweden.

The encyclopedia was issued in the years 1993-1996, at first by the publishing house (Good Books) according to its model, the Nationalencyklopedin, and with as chief editor. Production of the encyclopedia was made in cooperation with Umeå University.

As of the second volume, the publishing was taken over by and became editor-in-chief. (Swedish: Fonden för främjande av kunskap om Norrland) was responsible for the remaining volumes, a foundation made up by Umeå University, the former Högskolan i Luleå, former Mitthögskolan and former Högskolan i Gävle/Sandviken as well as Royal Skyttean Society, Folkuniversitetet and .


  • Volume 1: A - Gästg, chief editor: Kari Marklund, assistant editors: Lars-Erik Edlund, Tore Frängsmyr, 1993
  • Volume 2: Gästr - Lanz, chief editor: Lars-Erik Edlund, assistant editor: Tore Frängsmyr, 1994
  • Volume 3: Lapp - Reens, chief editor: Lars-Erik Edlund, assistant editor: Tore Frängsmyr, 1995
  • Volume 4: Regio - Övre, chief editor: Lars-Erik Edlund, assistant editor: Tore Frängsmyr, 1996

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