Notícias Populares

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Notícias Populares (Popular News in Portuguese), also referred simply as NP, was a Brazilian sensationalist newspaper published by Empresa Folha da Manhã from 1963 to 2001.[1] Notícias Populares was known by publishing stories about crime, sex and violence in a graphic manner. It was also notorious for publishing hoaxes such as of the Bebê Diabo (Baby Devil).[2]


The newspaper was established in 1963 by Herbert Levy, president of the National Democratic Union political party and owner of the business newspaper . His aim was to compete with the left-leaning paper Última Hora. The first issue of Notícias Populares was published on October 15, 1963, with a circulation of 15,000 copies. Its first publisher was Jean Mellé, a Romanian-born citizen.[3] The newspaper was sold in 1965 to Folha da Manhã, publisher of Folha de S. Paulo.

Notícias Populares' last edition was published on January 20, 2001.[4]


  1. ^ "Notícias Populares". CPDOC FGV • Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil. Retrieved 15 October 2017.
  2. ^ "SAIU NO NP: Bebê-diabo nasce no ABC paulista, mas some de forma misteriosa". Folha de S.Paulo. Retrieved 2017-10-15.
  3. ^ de Campos Jr., Celso; Lima, Maik Rene; Moreira, Denis; Lepiani, Giancarlo (2011). NADA MAIS QUE A VERDADE: A extraordinária história do jornal Notícias Populares. São Paulo: Summus editorial. ISBN 9788532307132. Retrieved 15 October 2017.
  4. ^ "Folha Online - Brasil - Jornal "Notícias Populares" pára de circular - 19/01/2001". Retrieved 2017-10-15.

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