Paolo Brenner

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Paolo Brenner (born 21 May 1966, Höchstädt an der Donau) is a German physician and a professor of cardiac surgery at the Dept. of Cardiac Surgery, Klinikum Großhadern of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). He is known for his work in the fields of xenotransplantation, the advancement of artificial hearts, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and lung transplantation.

Paolo Brenner


As an adolescent Brenner was engaged as a cofounder of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kosmologie (DGK). He was editor and co-publisher of the Zeitschrift für Kosmologie 1990-2007. In this function he was driven by his own physical research paper (1985) titled The biography of fixed stars and by his work at Jugend forscht about black holes and published several own papers and surveys about cosmological subjects (1986).[1][2][3]

Scientific contribution[]

Since 1993 Brenner deals with topics of thoracic organ transplantation, since 2004 as a transplant surgeon of heart and lung transplantation, since 2006 as a member of the Munich Lung Transplant Group[4] and already since 2000 as an explant surgeon of the German Organ Transplantation Foundation (Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation (DSO)). Yet 1993 he acted as a junior operator of the former Company for the wearable artificial heart system Novacor[5] and researched at last as a proctor of JarvikHeart[6] in cooperation with Robert Jarvik developing a new miniaturized “valve axial pump”.[7] Supported by the Bavarian Research Foundation (Bayerische Forschungsstiftung, grant 219/96) together with his research team as a consultant of cardiac surgery he investigated the xenogeneic transplantation of multi-transgenic pig hearts as a possible future organ replacement therapy in man since 1997. Since 2004 he worked within the scope of a Transregio Research Group FOR 535[8][9] of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)) and since 2012 as a principal investigator (PI) for the sector of xenogeneic heart transplantation of the Transregio Research Collaborative Research Centre 127 (Transregio-Sonderforschungbereich SFB 127)[10] with the speaker Bruno Reichart in the Walter-Brendel-Center of experimental medicine (WBex).[11] Cardiac xenotransplantation (from pig to man), which was studied by Brenner and Reichart since 1997, has reached a preclinical status despite of a higher immunological complexity than allotransplantation due to preexisting and new-built antibodies against whole organs. Using a patented combination (EP 1181034 B1, EP 1980263A1, US 8,435,520 B2[12][13][14]) consisting of transgenic organs/cells and immunoadsorption (elimination of antibodies from the recipient) and a special combination of immunosuppressive drugs hyperacute and delayed xenograft rejection should be prevented and long-term survival of a xenograft should be enabled and realized. In times of massively increasing shortage of donor organs and yet major problems with artificial hearts (cable connections, batteries, strokes and infections) this makes xenotransplantation highly interesting in the area of organ/cell transplantation. By using an almost unlimited source of porcine organs (heart, kidney, lung, cornea, (liver rather improbably) and cells (pig islet cells[15][16]) against diabetes, nigrostriatal brain cells against Morbus Parkinson, stem cells, bone/-marrow, skin etc.) not only in Europe, but also worldwide many people could be helped with animal cells or with the replacement of a whole organ. In view of 45 original papers, over 110 national and international oral presentations, two highly prized international research awards and as an advising tutor of 20 postdocs and postgraduates (for example [17][18][19][20][21]) Brenner did pioneer work and substantially contributed to the scientific progress of the LMU, especially due to his know-how in the area of xenotransplantation[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31] and mechanical circulatory support systems.[5][32][33] Brenner can be classified as an international expert for mechanical and “biological” heart replacement, wherefore he also owns patents (for example [13][34]). In his teaching activity since 2004 Brenner was involved in the introduction of the practical MECUM student educational program[35] of the LMU oriented to the Harvard-University concept. Since 2007 he was the responsible organizing associate lecturer for the compartment of cardiac surgery of the LMU[36] and since 2011 deputy speaker of the cardiovascular educational block of the new medical student education system Modul 23 of the LMU.[37] As the leader of the cardiac surgical advanced training program he organized about 400 specialist and scientific qualification performances mostly as from the Bayerische Landesärztekammer certificated Monday education for consultant training and professional development since 2003.[38] Novel research focuses and interests of Brenner are miniaturized artificial hearts in heart valves (in cooperation with Robert Jarvik), inhibition of aging enzymes, cryonic, energy and environment technology (e.g. e-mobility), essential oils as well as ebola.


  • “Young Investigator´s Award of European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery” for his work The influence of antibody and complement removal with a Ig-Therasorb column in a xenogeneic working heart model (Brussels, Sep. 20-23, 1998, 12th Ann. Meeting of the EACTS)[39]
  • „Biotest Award of the European Society for Organ Transplantation“ for his presentation Influence of ischemic time on hyperacute xenograft rejection of pig hearts in a working heart perfusion model with human blood (Oslo, June 24, 1999, 9th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT))[40]

Academic memberships[]

Medical associations:

  • Transplantation Society (TTS),[41]
  • International Xenotransplantation Association (IXA) [42]
  • Principal Investigator (PI) of the Transregio Research Collaborative Research Centre (Sonderforschungsbereich) Transregio-SFB 127[43] Xenotransplantation of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) with the subject Biology of xenogeneic cell and organ transplantation
  • Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Immunapheresis in Solid Organ Transplantation
  • Explanteur of DSO
  • Proctor of the artificial heart manufacturer JarvikheartTM (New York, USA)
  • Member of the Stiftungsrat des Christlichen Entwicklungsdienstes (CED)

Other academic associations

  • Cofounder of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kosmologie (1986 bis 2007)

Editorial Boards and Reviewer[]

Medical journals:

  • International Journal of artificial organs (IJAO)
  • German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
  • Xenotransplantation

Other journals:

  • Editor of Zeitschrift für Kosmologie (1986 - 2008),

Patents: International patens and US-patents[]

  • Publication of the international patents titled: „Combinations of immunosuppressive agents for the treatment or prevention of graft rejection„/ „Organic Compounds“ (International Application Number: PCT/EP00/04250 und International Publication Number WO 00/67773 A3, filing number 00927193.3), granted 21.7.2010 as European patent with the number 1181034.[44]
  • US-Patent „Combination of immunosuppressive agents for the treatment or prevention of graft rejection“ (US 2002/0132764 A1 (filing number 11/599814), 3/2013 granted as US-Patent: US 8,435,520 B2.y[45]


  • Publications ResearchGate[46]
  • Publications Microsoft Academic Search[47]
  • Publications PubMed[48]

Political activity[]

The community of Neuried elected Brenner as a deputy Chairman of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria in the local council[49] and building- and environment committee.[50] in 2014.

External links / Press[]


  1. ^ Brenner P. Die klassische Urknalltheorie – Die Entstehung von Materie im Urknall. Z. f. Kosmologie 2005;16:11-87.
  2. ^ Brenner P. Weiße Löcher, Graue Löcher, Hellgraue und Dunkelgraue Löcher als fundmentale Lösungsmodelle für die aktuelle Krise in der modernen Kosmologie. Z. f. Kosmologie 2005;16:107-189.
  3. ^ Brenner P. Branenwelten in der Stringkosmologie als Multiversumstheorie. Z. f. Kosmologie 2007;17:101-123.##
  4. ^ Munich lung transplant group
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b Vetter HO, Kaulbach HG, Schmitz C, Forst A, Uberfuhr P, Kreuzer E, Pfeiffer M, Brenner P, Dewald O, Reichart B. Experience with the Novacor left ventricular assist system as a bridge to cardiac transplantation, including the new wearable system. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1995 Jan;109(1):74-80.
  6. ^ JarvikHeart Archived 2014-12-20 at the Wayback Machine
  7. ^ Anja Liebermann. Vergleich des retroaurikulären, linksventrikulären Unterstützungssystem (LVAD) Jarvik 2000 als neue Alternative zur Herztransplantation mit dem System mit abdomineller Stromversorgung als Überbrückung zur Herztransplantation (Diss.) Liebermann (Diss.)
  8. ^ Transregio Research Groupe FOR 535 Multitransgenic donor animals and new immunosuppressive strategies in preclinical experimental xenotransplantation models
  9. ^ FOR 535 Xenotransplantation / Xenotransplantation
  10. ^ Transregio-Sonderforschungsbereich SFB127 Biologie der xenogenen Zell- und Organtransplantation - vom Labor in die Klinik
  11. ^ Walter-Brendel-Zentrum für Chirurgische Forschung
  12. ^ Patent EP 1980263A1
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b Combinations of immunosuppressive agents for the treatment or prevention of graft rejections United States Patent Application 20110142953-A1
  14. ^ US8435520
  15. ^ Preclinical and clinical xenotransplantation Archived 2014-12-06 at the Wayback Machine
  16. ^ Umfassende DFG-Förderung für die Medizin der TU Dresden
  17. ^ Liebermann (Diss.[permanent dead link])
  18. ^ Eder, Veronika. Immunadsorption bei der heterotopen und orthotopen Xenotransplantation von Pavianen, Cynomolgus- und Rhesusaffen mit Landrasse- und hDAF-transgenen Schweineherzen (Diss.)
  19. ^ Wimmer, Cosmas Damian. Abstoßungsdiagnostik bei heterotoper und orthotoper Xenotransplantation von hDAF-transgenen Schweineherzen im Primatenmodell mit perioperativer Immunadsorption (Diss.)
  20. ^ Primaychenko, Mikhail. Vergleich der mechanischen Kreislaufunterstützungssysteme MEDOS-HIA und Berlin Heart Excor als ventrikulärer Assist- devices bei terminaler Herzinsuffizienz (Diss.)
  21. ^ Feil, Katarina Barbara. Lungentransplantationen unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Konservierungslösungen. Einfluss der Lungenkonservierung auf die Ergebnisse. Eine klinische Studie an 329 Patienten nach orthotoper Lungentransplantation (Diss.)
  22. ^ Reichart B, Guethoff S, Mayr T, Thormann M, Buchholz S, Postrach J, Ayares D, Elliott RB, Tan P, Kind A, Hagl C, Brenner P and Abicht JM. Discordant cardiac xenotransplantation: broadening the horizons. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 Jan;45(1):1-5. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezt483. Epub 2013 Oct 3.
  23. ^ Bauer A, Postrach J, Thormann M, Blanck S, Faber C, Wintersperger B, Michel S, Abicht JM, Christ F, Schmitz C, Schmoeckel M, Reichart B, Brenner P. First experience with heterotopic thoracic pig-to-baboon cardiac xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation. 2010 May-Jun;17(3):243-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3089.2010.00587.x.
  24. ^ Brenner P, Schmoeckel M, Wimmer C, Rucker A, Eder V, Uchita S, Brandl U, Hinz M, Felbinger T, Meiser B, Hammer C, Reichenspurner H, Reichart B. Combination of hDAF-transgenic pig hearts and immunoadsorption in heterotopic xenotransplantation of immunosuppressed baboons. Transplant Proc. 2005 Jan-Feb;37(1):483-6.
  25. ^ Brenner P, Schmoeckel M, Wimmer C, Eder V, Rucker A, Felbinger T, Uchita S, Hinz M, Brandl U, Meiser B, Reichenspurner H, Hammer C, Reichart B. Mean xenograft survival of 14.6 days in a small group of hDAF-transgenic pig hearts transplanted orthotopically into baboons. Transplant Proc. 2005 Jan-Feb;37(1):472-6.
  26. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-12-05. Retrieved 2014-11-30.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  27. ^ IG-therasorb immunoapheresis in orthotopic xenotransplantation of baboons with landrace pig hearts. Archived 2014-12-05 at the Wayback Machine
  28. ^ Brenner P, Hinz M, Huber H, Schmoeckel M, Reichenspurner H, Meiser B, Hammer C, Reichart B. Influence of ischemic time on hyperacute xenograft rejection of pig hearts in a working heart perfusion model with human blood. Transpl Int. 2000;13 Suppl 1:S494-503.
  29. ^ Brenner P, Reichenspurner H, Schmoeckel M, Wimmer C, Rucker A, Eder V, Meiser B, Hinz M, Felbinger T, Hammer C, Reichart B. Prevention of hyperacute xenograft rejection in orthotopic xenotransplantation of pig hearts into baboons using immunoadsorption of antibodies and complement factors. Transpl Int. 2000;13 Suppl 1:S508-17.
  30. ^ Brenner P, Hinz M, Huber H, Schmoeckel M, Reichenspurner H, Meiser B, Hammer C, Reichart B. Effects of prolonged cold storage time in xenotransplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1999 Dec;18(12):1211-7.
  31. ^ Brenner P, Hinz M, Huber H, Schmoeckel M, Reichenspurner H, Meiser B, Hammer C, Reichart B. The influence of antibody and complement removal with a Ig-Therasorb column in a xenogeneic working heart model. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 1999 May;15(5):672-9.
  32. ^ Beiras-Fernandez A, Deutsch MA, Kainzinger S, Kaczmarek I, Sodian R, Ueberfuhr P, Meiser B, Schmoeckel M, Reichart B, Brenner P. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in 108 patients with low cardiac output – a single-center experience. Int J Artif Organs. 2011 Apr;34(4):365-73. doi: 10.5301/IJAO.2011.7727.
  33. ^ Antriebstechnik von Kunstherzen Archived 2014-12-04 at the Wayback Machine
  34. ^ EP1980263A1
  35. ^ MECUM-Ausbildungssystem Archived 2014-12-05 at the Wayback Machine
  36. ^ Herzchirurgie LMU
  37. ^ Studentenausbildungssystem Modul23 Archived 2012-11-05 at the Wayback Machine
  38. ^ Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen
  39. ^ EACTS-Past-Award-Winners Archived 2014-12-13 at the Wayback Machine
  40. ^ BiotestAwardRecipients9thCongressOslo[permanent dead link]
  41. ^ TTS
  42. ^ IXA
  43. ^ Sonderforschungsbereich Transregio 127 Archived 2014-12-06 at the Wayback Machine
  44. ^ [1]
  45. ^ US 8,435,520 B2.y
  46. ^ Publikationen ResearchGate
  47. ^ Publikationen Microsoft Academic Search
  48. ^ Publikationen in PubMed
  49. ^ Gemeinderat-Mitglieder Neuried
  50. ^ Gemeinderat-Ausschüsse Neuried
  51. ^ Mit der neuen Lunge ist jeder Tag für sie ein Geschenk
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