Petra M. Sijpesteijn

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Petra Marieke Sijpesteijn (born 2 February 1971, Naarden)[1] is professor of Arabic at Leiden University. She was the founding president of the International Society for Arabic Papyrology.

Early life[]

Sijpesteijn received her MA from Leiden University and her PhD from Princeton University where she won the annual departmental prize for best thesis in 2004.[2]


Sijpesteijn was the founding president of the International Society for Arabic Papyrology (2001-2014). She is currently professor of Arabic at Leiden University.

Selected publications[]

  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2015), A Ḥadīth Fragment on Papyrus, Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 92(2): 321-331.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M, Montgomery J.E. & Gelder G.J. van (2015), Wit and Wisdom in Classical Arabic Literature. Leiden Lectures on Arabic Language and Culture. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2014), Financial Troubles: A Mamluk Petition. In: Franklin A., Margariti R., Rustow M., Simonsohn U. (Eds.) Jews, Christians and Muslims in Medieval and Early Modern Times. A Festschrift in Honor of Mark R. Cohen Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies no. 2. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 352-366.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2014), Financial Troubles: A Mamluk Petition. In: Franklin A.E., Margariti R.E., Rustow M., Simonsohn U. (Eds.) Jews, Christians and Muslims in Medieval and Early Modern Times. A Festschrift in Honor of Mark R. Cohen Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies no. 2. Leiden: Brill. 352-366.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2014), Making the Private Public: a Delivery of Palestinian Oil in Third/Ninth-Century Egypt, Studia Orientalia Electronica 2: 74-91.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2014), An Early Umayyad Papyrus Invitation for the Ḥajj, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 73: 179-190.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2014), Locating Arabic Papyrology: Fiscal politics in medieval Egypt as a test-case for setting disciplinary boundaries and standards, The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 51: 217-228.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2013), Shaping a Muslim State: The World of a Mid-Eighth-Century Egyptian Official. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2012), Coptic and Arabic Papyri from Deir al-Balā’izah. In: Schubert P. (Ed.) Actes du 26e Congrès international de papyrologie (Genève 2010). Geneva: Droz. 707-714.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2012), Seals and Papyri from Early Islamic Egypt. In: Regulski I, Duistermaat K, Verkinderen P (Eds.) Seals and Sealing Practices in the Near East. Developments in Administration and Magic from Prehistory to the Islamic Period. Louvain: Peeters. 171-182.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2012), An Arabic Land Lease from Ṭuṭūn. In: Ast R., Cuvigny H., Hickey, T. (Eds.) Papyrological Texts in Honor of Roger S. Bagnall no. 53. Durham NC: American Society of Papyrologists. 101-106.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2012), Nessana. In: Wiley-Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2012), Why Arabic?. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2012), Taking Care of the Weak An Arabic Papyrus from the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam. In: Minutoli D. (Ed.) Inediti offerti a Rosario Pintaudi per il 65° compleanno (P.Pintaudi). Florence: Edizioni Gonnelli. 289-294.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2011), Building an Egyptian Identity. In: Ahmed A Q., Bonner M., Sadeghi B. (Eds.) The Islamic Scholarly Tradition: Studies in History, Law, and Thought in Honor of Professor Michael Allen Cook. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 85-106.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2011), Une nouvelle lettre de Qurra b. Šarīk. P.Sorb. inv. 2345, Annales Islamologiques 45: 257-267.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M., Margariti R. & Sabra A. (Eds.) (2011), Studies in the Social and Economic History of the Medieval Middle East. Essays in Honor of A.L. Udovitch. Leiden: Brill.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2011), Army Economics: An Early Papyrus Letter Related to ‘Aṭā’ Payments. In: Margarati R., Sabra A., Sijpesteijn P.M. (Eds.) Histories of the Middle East Studies in Middle Eastern Society, Economy and Law in Honor of A.L. Udovitch. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 245-268.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2010), Muhammad. In: Wiley-Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2010), Barabra. In: Encyclopaedia of Islam 3. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2010), Hijra. In: Wiley-Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2010), Arabic-Greek Archives. In: Papaconstantinou A. (Ed.) The Multilingual Experience in Egypt, from the Ptolemies to the 'Abbasids. Burlington: Ashgate. 105-126.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2010), Quran. In: Wiley-Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2010), Baqt. In: Encyclopaedia of Islam 3. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2010), North American Papyrus Collections Revisited, Al-Bardiyyat 1: 5-18.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2010), Akhmim. In: Encyclopaedia of Islam 3. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 56-58.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2009), Landholding Patterns in Early Islamic Egypt, Journal of Agrarian Change(9): 120-133.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2009), A Mid-Eighth-Century Trilingual Tax Demand to a Bawit Monk. In: Boud'hors A., Clackson J., Louis C, Sijpesteijn P.M. (Eds.) The Administration of Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt. Oxford. 102-119.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2009), Arabic Papyri and Islamic Egypt. In: Bagnall R.S. (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Papyrology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 452-472.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M., Boud’hors A., Clackson J. & Louis C. (Eds.) (2009), Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Ostraca, Papyri, and Studies in Honour of Sarah Clackson. Durham, NC: The American Society of Papyrologists.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2008), A Seventh/Eighth-Century List of Companions from Fustat. In: Muhs B., Hogendijk C. (Eds.) Sixty-Five Papyrological Texts Presented to Klaas A. Worp on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 369-377.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2007), The Arab Conquest of Egypt and the Beginning of Muslim Rule. In: Bagnall R.S. (Ed.) Byzantine Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 437-459.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2007), Arabic Papyri from Current Excavations in Egypt, Al-Bardiyyat(2): 10-23.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2007), Palaeography. In: Versteegh C. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2007), Creating a Muslim State: The Collection and Meaning of Sadaqa. In: Palme B. (Ed.) Akten des 23. internationalen Papyrologenkongresses Wien, 22.-28. Juli 2001. Vienna. 661-674.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2007), New Rule over Old Structures: Egypt after the Muslim Conquest. In: Crawford H. (Ed.) Regime Change in the Ancient Near East and Egypt: From Sargon of Agade to the Seljuks. Proceedings of the British Academy. London: British Academy Publications. 183-202.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2006), Veroveren met verhalen. In: Hoftijzer P., Van Ommen K., Witkam J.J. (Eds.) Bronnen en Kennis. Leiden: Scaliger Institute Publications. 17-22.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2006), The Archival Mind in Early Islamic Egypt: Two Arabic Papyri. In: *Sijpesteijn P.M., Sundelin L., Torallas Tovar S., Zomeno A. (Eds.) From al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 163-187.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M., Sundelin L., Torallas Tovar S. & Zomeno A. (Eds.) (2006), From al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M., Oates J.F. & Kaplony A. (2005), Checklist of Editions of Arabic Papyri, The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 42: 127-166.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. & Sundelin L. (Eds.) (2004), Papyrology and the History of Early Islamic Egypt. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2004), A Request to Buy Silk from Early Islamic Egypt. In: Harrauer H., Pintaudi R. (Eds.) Gedenkschrift Ulrike Horak. Papyrologica Florentina XXXIV. Florence: Edizioni Gonelli. 255-272.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2004), Travel and Trade on the River. In: Sijpesteijn P.M., Sundelin L. (Eds.) Papyrology and the History of Early Islamic Egypt.. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 115-152.
  • Sijpesteijn P.M. (2001), Profit Following Responsibility: A Leaf from the Records of a Third-Century Tax-Collecting Agent. With an Appended Checklist of Editions of Arabic Papyri, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 31: 91-132.


  1. ^ "Petra Marieke Sijpesteijn at "Leiden Faculty since 1575". Retrieved 17 March 2016.
  2. ^ "Petra Sijpesteijn".
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