Pierre Viret

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Pierre Viret

Pierre Viret (1511 – 4 May 1571) was a Swiss Reformed theologian and Protestant reformer.

Early life[]

Pierre Viret was born to a devout middle class Roman Catholic family in Orbe, a small town now in Switzerland. He was a close friend of John Calvin.

Viret studied as a scholar in his hometown school and then attended the University of Paris, where he was converted to the Reformed faith. He returned to Orbe in 1531 to escape the persecutions in Paris.[1]


William Farel, a Protestant preacher, called Viret to the ministry at his return to Orbe. On 6 May 1531 Viret preached his first sermon, being only twenty years old at the time. His preaching was received with astonishment and acclamation by his hearers, and many were soon converted to the Reformed Faith, among them both Viret's parents.[1] Subsequently he preached in Lausanne and Geneva before undertaking missionary tours in France, preaching to crowds of thousands in Paris, Orléans, Avignon, Montauban, and Montpellier. His preaching was sweet and winning, and won him the name of "The Smile of the Reformation."

At one time he was captured by Catholic forces. Viret was considered one of the most popular French-speaking preachers in the 16th century. Above all he was the reformer of the city of Lausanne, where he converted the local population to the Reformed faith. In his time Lausanne also became, with Geneva, a training ground for Reformation preachers. Among those who studied in Lausanne was the author of the Belgic Confession, Guy de Brès. While at Lausanne Viret founded a Reformed Academy, which was forced to relocate to Geneva in 1559. The relocated professors and students of Viret's Lausanne Academy soon became the foundation of Calvin’s famed Geneva Academy.[2]

Bas relief of Pierre Viret.

For health reasons Viret left Geneva and moved to Southern France where he preached among the Huguenots. He died in Orthez France in 1571.

Translated works[]

Viret authored over fifty books. Many have been translated into English, including:

  • Anchor of the Soul: An Exposition of the Apostles Creed
  • The Catechism of Pierre Viret
  • The Christian and the Magistrate: Roles, Responsibilities, and Jurisdictions
  • Exposition of the Ten Commandments
  • His Glorious Bride
  • Jesus Christ, the Believer’s Comfort and Joy
  • Letters of Comfort to the Persecuted Church
  • Marvelous Trinity
  • Simple Exposition of the Christian Faith

Decalogue Commentary Series[]

  • No Other God
  • Nothing Like God
  • Taking His Name in Vain
  • Remember the Sabbath Day
  • Honor thy Father and Mother
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: A Plea for Life
  • Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
  • Thou Shalt Not Steal
  • Defend the Truth
  • Thou Shalt Not Covet


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b 'Book V: Struggles of the Reformation, Chapter III: A New Reformer and an Image-Breaker (1531)', in J.H. Merle d'Aubigné (translated by W.L.R. Cates), History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, 8 volumes (Longmans, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, London 1863-1878), Vol III: France, Switzerland, Geneva (1864), pp. 262-76 at Project Gutenberg. See also reprint, (Sprinkle Publications, Harrisonburg, VA, 2000).
  2. ^ Michael W. Bruening, Calvinism’s First Battleground: Conflict and Reform in the Pays de Vaud, 1528-1559 (Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2005), page 254


(in order of publication)

  • (Crespin, J.), Procédures Tenues à l'Endroit de Ceux de la Réligion du Pais-Bas (Procedures Held With Regard to those of the Religion of the Netherlands) (Jean Crespin, Geneva 1568)
  • Merle d'Aubigné, J.H. (translated by W.L.R. Cates), History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, 8 volumes (Longmans, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, London 1863-1878), Vol III: France, Switzerland, Geneva (1864), at pp. 262-76 (Extract at website of Pierre Viret Association)
  • Cart, J., Pierre Viret, le Réformateur Vaudois, Biographie Populaire (Librairie Meyer, Lausanne 1864) (Read at Google)
  • Godet, P., Pierre Viret (F. Payot, Lausanne 1892) (read at Google)
  • Doumergue, E., Lausanne au temps de la Réformation: avec une introduction sur Pierre Viret et Orbe, sa ville natale, et un appendice sur les deux premiers imprimeurs protestants de Lausanne (Georges Bridel et Cie., Lausanne 1903)
  • Barnaud, J., Pierre Viret, Sa Vie et Son Oeuvre (1511-1571) (G. Carayol, Saint-Amans (Tarn) 1911)
  • Schnetzler, C., Vuilleumier, H., and Schroeder, A. (eds), Pierre Viret d'après lui-même : pages extraites des oeuvres du Réformateur à l'occasion du 4e- centenaire de sa naissance (Georges Bridel et Cie., Lausanne 1911)
  • Le Jubilé de Pierre Viret : Lausanne et Orbe : 23-26 octobre 1911 (Eglise Nationale Evangélique Réformée du Canton de Vaud. Commission Synodale, 1911)
  • H. Vuilleumier, Notre Pierre Viret (Payot, Lausanne 1911)
  • Schaff, P., 'Pierre Viret and the Reformation in Lausanne', in History of the Christian Church, 8 Volumes (C. Scribner's Sons, New York 1916-1923), VIII: The Swiss Reformation, 1519-1605, at pp. 250-52 (Extract at website of Pierre Viret Association)
  • Vuilleumier, H., Histoire de l'Eglise Réformée du Pays de Vaud sous Régime Bernois, 4 volumes (Editions la Concorde, Lausanne 1927)
  • Vincent, G., Rhyn, G. and Wüst, P., Pierre Viret, un Vaudois se lève : Quelques traits d'une grande histoire rassemblés pour la jeunesse Vaudoise à l'occasion du Quatrième Centenaire de la Réformation, 1536-1936 (Editions la Concorde, Lausanne 1936).
  • L. Latourette, 'Les dernières années de Pierre Viret (1567-1571)', Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie (Lausanne) New Series Vol. XXVI (1938), pp. 60-68.
  • Linder, R.D., The Political Ideas of Pierre Viret, Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, Vol. LXIV (Librairie Droz, Geneva 1964)
  • Linder, R.D., 'Forgotten reformer', Christian History Magazine, Issue 71, pp. 35-37 (Read at journal website)
  • G. Bavaud, Le Réformateur Pierre Viret (1511-1571), sa Théologie, "Histoire et Société" collection, No. 10 (Labor & Fides, Geneva 1986) (Preview at Google)
  • O. Favre, 'Pierre Viret (1511-1571) et la Discipline Ecclésiastique', (author of M.A. Dissertation 'La discipline ecclésiastique dans la théologie du Réformateur Pierre Viret', Faculty of Reformed Theology, Aix-en-Provence 1993) (Archived at Wayback Machine)
  • Troilo, D.-A., 'L'Œuvre de Pierre Viret: Le problème des sources', Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Français (1903-2015) Vol. 144: Octobre-Novembre-Décembre 1998 (Librairie Droz, Geneva), pp. 759-790
  • 'Viret, Pierre', in H.J. Hillebrand (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation (Oxford University Press 1996, 2005 online version)
  • Berthoud, J.-M., Pierre Viret: A Forgotten Giant of the Reformation: The Apologetics, Ethics, and Economics of the Bible, (Zurich Publishing, 2010)
  • Sheats, R.A., 'Pierre Viret: The Unknown Reformer', Faith For All Of Life Magazine (Chalcedon, March/April 2011) Read at Chalcedon Magazine: Resources, Magazine pdf
  • Sheats, R.A., Pierre Viret: The Angel of the Reformation, (Zurich Publishing, 2012)
  • Crousaz, K., and Solfaroli Camillocci, D. (eds), Pierre Viret et la Diffusion de la Réforme (Antipodes, Lausanne 2014)

External links[]

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