Po dolinam i po vzgoriam

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Monument to the Red Army soldiers in Spassk-Dalny

Po dolinam i po vzgoriam (Russian: По долинам и по взгорьям, English: Through valleys and over hills, Serbo-Croatian: Po šumama i gorama, По шумама и горама, English: Through forests and over hills), also known as Partisan's Song, is a popular Red Army song from the Russian Civil War and World War I. It is believed that the original song melody was composed by Yuri Cherniavsky in 1915 for recruits, but it is possible that it circulated in Russia even before. Vladimir Gilyarovsky wrote text for the song named "March of the Siberian Regiment". His text has three versions. wrote the latest version of the song after the Battle of Volochayevka in 1922.[1]

Po dolinam i po vzgoriam has many versions in other languages, including Serbo-Croatian, Greek, German, French, Hungarian, Hebrew, Kurdish and others. The song was adapted by the Yugoslav Partisans and used in World War II.

In the Middle East, this Russian song also got Hebrew texts written by the poets Avraham Shlonsky - Halokh halkha hevraya - a translation after Alexander Blok, which in several mobilizing versions served the Zionist Socialist Hashomer Hatzair movement and the Palestinian Communist Youth (now BANKI) movement in the Mandatory Palestine and then in Israel - and - Mul gesher hanahar - which is known in the interpretation by the Israeli Gevatron ensemble. The music was used also as the first melody for the anthem of Palmakh Jewish shock units in Palestine.[2]

Russian lyrics[]

Russian Transliteration English translation

По долинам и по взгорьям
Шла дивизия вперёд,
Чтобы с боя взять Приморье —
Белой армии оплот

Наливалися знамена
Кумачом последних ран,
Шли лихие эскадроны
Приамурских партизан.

Этих лет не смолкнет слава,
Не померкнет никогда —
Партизанские отряды
Занимали города.

И останутся, как в сказках,
Как манящие огни
Штурмовые ночи Спасска,
Волочаевские дни.

Разгромили атаманов,
Разогнали воевод
И на Тихом океане
Свой закончили поход.

Po dolinam i po vzgor'jam
Šla divizija vperjod,
Čtoby s boja vzjat' Primor'e —
Beloj armii oplot.

Nalivalisja znamena
Kumačom poslednikh ran,
šli likhije eskadrony
Priamurskikh partizan.

Etikh let ne smolknet slava,
Ne pomerknet nikogda —
Partizanskije otrjady
Zanimali goroda.

I ostanutsja, kak v skazkakh,
Kak manjaščije ogni,
Šturmovyje noči Spasska,
Voločajevskije dni.

Razgromili atamanov,
Razognali vojevod,
I na Tikhom okeane
Svoj zakončili pokhod.

Through valleys and over hills
Went the division forward
To capture in battle Primorye
The stronghold of the White Army.

The banners were filled
By the red of the last wounds
Went the intrepid squadrons
Of the Amur partisans.

The fame of those days will never cease
Will never dim
The partisan troops
Captured cities.

And will remain as legends
Like sparkling fires
The storming nights of Spassk
The days of Volochaevka.

[We] defeated the atamans
Dispersed the Voivodes
And on the Pacific Ocean
Had ended our campaign.

Serbo-Croatian lyrics[]

Serbo-Croatian Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic English translation

Po šumama i gorama
naše zemlje ponosne
idu čete partizana,
Slavu borbe pronose!

Partizan sam, tim se dičim
To ne može biti svak,
Umrijeti za slobodu
Može samo div-junak!

Neka čuje dušman kleti
krvavi se vodi rat,
Prije ćemo mi umrijeti
Nego svoje zemlje dat'!

Kaznićemo izdajice,
Oslobodit' narod svoj,
Kazaćemo cijelom svijetu
Da se bije ljuti boj!

Crne horde nas ne plaše,
Krv herojska u nas vri,
Mi ne damo zemlje naše
Da je gaze fašisti!

По шумама и горама
наше земље поносне
иду чете партизана,
Славу борбе проносе!

Партизан сам, тим се дичим
То не може бити свак,
Умријети за слободу
Може само див-јунак!

Нека чује душман клети
крвави се води рат,
Прије ћемо ми умријети
Него своје земље дат'!

Казнићемо издајице,
Ослободит' народ свој,
Казаћемо цијелом свијету
Да се бије љути бој!

Црне хорде нас не плаше,
Крв херојска у нас ври,
Ми не дамо земље наше
Да је газе фашисти!

Through the woods and hills
Of our proud country
March the companies of Partisans
Spreading the glory of struggle!

I'm a Partisan; of that I am proud.
Not everyone can be that,
To die for freedom
Only a giant-hero can!

Let the cursed foe know
A bloody war is waged
We will rather die
Than give our land!

We will punish the traitors
And free all our people,
We will tell the entire world
That a bitter fight is fought!

Black hordes don’t scare us
Heroic blood boils in our veins
We don’t allow our lands
To be trampled by Fascists!

Greek lyrics[]

Greek Transliteration English translation

Παρτιζάνοι προχωρείτε
Μεσ' τους κάμπους, στα βουνά
Να κερδίσουμε τη μάχη
Ν' ανατείλει η λευτεριά.

Από κάμπους και λαγκάδια
κατεβαίνει η αγροτιά,
μ'υψωμένα τα δρεπάνια
χαιρετάει την εργατιά.

Χρόνια τώρα εμείς σκυμμένοι
σκάβουμε τη μαύρη Γης
και τα πλούτη μας τα παίρνουν
οι τυράννοι οι αστοί.

Ό,τι βλέπουμε μπροστά μας
απ'τα χρόνια τα παλιά,
στη δουλειά μας τα χρωστάμε,
ζήτω-ζήτω η εργατιά!

Ας ξεχάσουμε τα μίση
ολα εκείνα τα παλιά,
κι ας υψώσουμε τα ξίφη
όλοι για τη λευτεριά.

Partizáni proxoríte
Mes' tus kámpus, sta vuná
Na kerdhísume ti máxi
N' anatíli i leiteriá.

Apó kámpus ke lankádhia
Kateveni i aghrotiá,
M'ipsoména ta dhrapánia
Xeretái tin erghatiá.

Xrónia tóra emís skymméni
Skávume ti mávri Ghis
Ke ta plúti mas ta pérnun
I tiránni i astí.

Ó, ti vlépume brostá mas
ap'ta xrónia ta paliá,
sti dhuliá mas ta xrostáme,
zíto-zíto i erghatiá!

As ksexásume ta mísi
óla ekína ta paliá,
ki as ipsósume ta ksífi
óli ghia ti leifteriá.

Partisans, move forward,
in the meadows and the mountains
so that we can win this battle
for the freedom to rise.

From plains and ravines
comes down the peasant class,
with sickles raised up
they greet the working class.

For years now we have bowed
digging the black Earth
and our riches are taken
by the tyrrants the bourgeois.

Everything we see in front of us
from the old years,
we owe it to our labour
long live-long live the working class!

Let us forget our grudges
all these grudges of old,
and let's raise our swords
all of us for liberty!

Hebrew lyrics[]

Hebrew Transliteration English translation

היא עמדה אל מול גשר הנהר
שעליו הפסיע אתמול
גדוד של אלף פרטיזנים
.ואחד יקר מכל
גדוד של אלף פרטיזנים
.ואחד יקר מכל

את פניו הקפיא רוח הנהר
,אך ליבו עדיין בוער
אלף נערות הכיר הוא
.ואחת יפה יותר
אלף נערות הכיר הוא
.ואחת יפה יותר

השדה שמעבר לנהר
,ערירי כאילו אשם
אלף מצבות עומדות שם
.ואחת מהן בלי שם
אלף מצבות עומדות שם
.ואחת מהן בלי שם

האביב ממיס קרח בנהר
,ובשלל צבעיו מרתק
אלף ילדים שרים לו
.וילדון אחד שותק
אלף ילדים שרים לו
.וילדון אחד שותק

הם עומדים אל מול גשר הנהר
שעליו אי פעם צעד
גדוד של אלף פרטיזנים
.ואחד יקר לעד
גדוד של אלף פרטיזנים
ואחד יקר לעד

hi amda el mul gesher haNahar
she alav hifsia etmol
gdud shel elef partizanim
ve echad yakar mikol
gdud shel elef partizanim
ve echad yakar mikol

et panav hikpi ruach haNahar
akh libo adayin bo-er
elef nearot hikir hu
ve achad yaffa yoter
elef nearot hikir hu
ve achad yaffa yoter

hasadeh she me-ever haNahar
ariri ke-illu ashem
elef matzevot omdot sham
ve achad mehen bli shem
elef matzevot omdot sham
ve achad mehen bli shem

ha aviv memes kerach baNahar
uBishlal tzavav meratek
elef yeladim sharim lo
veYaldon echad shotek
elef yeladim sharim lo
veYaldon echad shotek

Hem omdim el mul gesher haNahar
she elav ei paam tza-ad
gdud shel elef partizanim
ve echad yakar la-ad
gdud shel elef partizanim
ve echad yakar la-ad

She stood in front of the river bridge,
Which he stepped on yesterday
A battalion of a thousand partisans
And one most precious of all.
A battalion of a thousand partisans
And one most precious of all.

His face froze in the river wind
But his heart is still burning,
A thousand girls he knew
And one more beautiful.
A thousand girls he knew
And one more beautiful.

The field across the river
Barren as if guilty,
A thousand tombstones stand there
And one of them without a name
A thousand tombstones stand there
And one of them without a name

Spring melting of ice in the river
And a variety of fascinating colours,
A thousand children sing it
And one little boy is silent.
A thousand children sing it
And one little boy is silent.

They stand in front of the river bridge
On which a battalion of a thousand partisans
And one precious forever
has marched.
A battalion of a thousand partisans
And one precious forever.


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