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Pohlia nutans.jpeg
Pohlia nutans
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Bryopsida
Subclass: Bryidae
Order: Bryales
Family: Mniaceae
Genus: Pohlia

See text

Pohlia is a genus of mosses in the family Mniaceae, found on all continents including Antarctica. Some of its species are native to multiple continents. The center of diversity is the Northern Hemisphere.[2]


Currently accepted species include:[3]

  • Brotherus
  • Lindberg & H.Arnell
  • Negri
  • (Dixon)
  • Hampex Gangulee
  • Brotherus
  • A.J.Shaw
  • Lindberg
  • R.S.Williams
  • H.A.Miller, H.O.Whittier & B.Whittier
  • (Wahlenb.) H.Lindb.
  • Brotherus
  • A.J.Shaw & Fife
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • Schultze-Motel
  • Ochi
  • Wijk & Margadant
  • (Müll.Hal.) Watts & Whitel.
  • A.J.Shaw
  • A.J.Shaw
  • Warnstorf
  • Brotherus
  • Fleischer
  • Lindberg & H.Arnell
  • Warnstorf
  • Wijk & Margadant
  • Warnstorf
  • (Hoppe & Hornsch.) Lazarenko
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • Redfearn & B.C.Tan
  • A.J.Shaw
  • Størmer
  • (Cardot & Thér.) Broth.
  • Demaret
  • De Not.
  • Brotherus
  • F.J.Hermann
  • Andrews
  • Brotherus
  • Broth.
  • Pohlia cruda Lindberg
  • Brotherus
  • (Hampe) A.L.Andrews
  • Bruch
  • E.B.Bartram
  • Brotherus
  • Andrews
  • Sainsbury
  • Hedwig
  • A.J.Shaw
  • Lindberg
  • Kindberg
  • E.B.Bartram
  • (Cardot) Iisiba
  • Iishiba
  • Pohlia filiformis (Dicks.) A.L.Andrews
  • Mårtensson
  • Harv.
  • W.J.Hooker
  • Dixon
  • Wijk & Margadant
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • Warnst.
  • Kis
  • Dixon
  • Broth.
  • T.Koponen & Luo Jian-xin
  • Brotherus
  • Da-cheng Zhang, X.J.Li & Higuchi
  • Schwägr.
  • Wijk & Margadant
  • Kis
  • Wijk & Margadant
  • O'Shea
  • (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Schwägr.
  • (Broth.) P.C.Chen ex Redf. & B.C.Tan
  • Chen Pan-chieh ex Redfearn & B.C.Tan
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • Ochi
  • Fleischer
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • (Hedw.) Lindb.
  • Lindberg
  • S.He
  • F.J.Hermann
  • Brotherus
  • H.Lindberg
  • Schelpe
  • Da-cheng Zhang, X.J.Li & Higuchi
  • S.He
  • Schimp.
  • Osterald
  • Schultze-Motel
  • A.J.Shaw
  • (Kindb.) Broth.
  • Brotherus
  • (Müll.Hal.) Broth.
  • Schleich. ex Schwägr.
  • Broth.
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • Dixon
  • (Lesquereux) Brotherus
  • Pohlia nutans Lindberg
  • Brotherus
  • Kindb.
  • L.F.Koch
  • Vitt
  • Brotherus
  • A.J.Shaw
  • Brotherus
  • A.J.Shaw
  • Brotherus
  • Huebener
  • Brotherus
  • Schwägr.
  • Brotherus
  • Herzog
  • (Mitt.) Broth.
  • Fleischer
  • (Kindb.) S.O.Lindberg ex Arnell
  • Brotherus
  • H.Crum ex A.J.Shaw
  • Ochi
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • (Kindb.) Broth.
  • A.J.Shaw
  • Warnst.
  • Noguchi
  • Brotherus
  • A.J.Shaw
  • Brotherus
  • Shevock & A.J.Shaw
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • Ochi
  • Brotherus
  • Brotherus
  • Pohlia scotica Crundwell
  • Warnstorf
  • Schelpe
  • Brotherus
  • (Bsg) Lindb. & Arn.
  • (Hedw.) Spreng.
  • E.B.Bartram
  • Brotherus
  • (Schimp.) Iisiba
  • Iishiba
  • Wijk & Margadant
  • F.J.Hermann
  • (Kindb.) Broth.
  • Ochi
  • Redfearn & B.C.Tan
  • (Besch.) Redf. & B.C.Tan
  • Brotherus
  • Chen Pan-chieh ex Redfearn & B.C.Tan
  • (Grev.) Delogne
  • Brotherus
  • A.J.Shaw
  • A.J.Shaw
  • Broth.
  • Brotherus
  • Sakurai
  • H.Lindberg
  • Lindberg & H.Arnell
  • Andrews
  • (Mitt.) Ochyra
  • Ochi
  • Brotherus


  1. ^ Sp. Musc. Frond. 171. (1801)
  2. ^ Shaw, A. Jonathan (2006). "A Revision of the Moss Genus Pohlia Hedw. (Mniaceae) in Australia". Systematic Botany. 31 (2): 247–257. doi:10.1600/036364406777585694. S2CID 85078951.
  3. ^ GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. "Pohlia Hedw". GBIF Secretariat. Retrieved 11 July 2020.
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