Pool Re

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Pool Reinsurance Company Limited

About Pool Re

Pool Re provides terrorism reinsurance. Established as a Public/Private Partnership between the UK Government and Member Insurers in 1993 to tackle terrorism risk in Great Britain in response to the losses and uncertainty caused by the Provisional IRA’s devastating bombings during The Troubles, when the IRA bombing of the Baltic Exchange in 1992.[1] prompted insurers to withdraw terrorism insurance cover for commercial property.

Recognised as a ‘global leader in the sector… a world-leading partnership between Government and the insurance sector’, Pool Re's remit to correct market failure, protect the UK economy, and safeguard society and livelihoods from acts of terrorism, is backed up by a sizable reserve fund, consisting of insurers’ premium contributions which currently stands at £6.5 billion. To date Pool Re has paid claims in excess of £1.25 billion (when adjusted for inflation) in relation to 17 terrorist events in Great Britain and they provide a financial safety net for around £2.2 trillion of assets from shopping centres and local traders to airports and power grids, across sectors of the economy such as real estate, retail, transport, construction and energy.

Additionally, Pool Re provides a steady net contribution to public finances – nearly £450 million in premium since 2018, and further investment in partnerships and protective security initiatives with academia, risk specialists, and public agencies to understand and mitigate modern terrorism, has created unique collaborations with the Metropolitan Police and other government-backed initiatives to support UK start-ups contributing to national security and resilience.

Pool Re's proposition was strengthened with the arrival of new CEO Julian Enoizi who's ambition for the organisation; to underpin, stimulate and grow the commercial market for terrorism risk, was realised with the launch of SOLUTIONS, in November 2019.

Pool Re SOLUTIONS aka PReS, consists of a specialist unit created to support member insurers and their policyholders, provides access to an in-house centre of excellence focusing on risk awareness, risk modelling and risk management.


Pool Re was established following a series of terrorist incidents in the early 1990s in London and elsewhere in England related to the situation in Northern Ireland at that time. The cost of these losses caused insurers and reinsurers to consider ceasing to provide terrorism cover for commercial properties because of the high potential cost of losses and the lack of any reliable method of estimating what the future loss experience might be. Insurers depend on reinsurers for financial protection when very large claims occur and, accordingly, both insurers and reinsurers decided they could no longer provide terrorism cover using traditional methods. A withdrawal of terrorism insurance that left areas of business unprotected would potentially have had serious consequences for the UK economy. It became necessary, therefore, to devise a new mechanism for providing this type of cover, without leaving insurers or reinsurers open to substantial losses for which there was no reliable method of calculating accurate premiums.

During the latter part of 1992 it became clear that any new scheme would require the joint involvement of the insurance industry and government. Following extensive dialogue, a suitable structure emerged and the details of the Pool Re scheme were developed.[2] The Pool Re scheme began operations in 1993 and has subsequently been involved in claims arising from thirteen separate terrorism incidents covering losses of over £600 million.[3]

Changes to the scheme[]

Since its inception, the scheme has adapted to changing circumstances in the insurance market. The most significant changes occurred after the attacks in America on September 11th 2001, which caused insurers and reinsurers to reconsider the way terrorism coverage should be offered. Until that date the conventional insurance and reinsurance market had been willing to dovetail the cover they provided with that available from the Pool Re scheme. Pool Re’s cover to insurers was restricted to damage caused by acts involving fire or explosion, and the international reinsurance market covered other types of terrorism. After 9/11, however, reinsurers were no longer in a position to do so. Had Pool Re continued with these restrictions, insurers would have been unable to provide their customers with cover for terrorist events not involving fire or explosion. In an attempt to avoid this situation, there were discussions between representatives of the insurance industry, buyers of insurance, the UK government, Pool Re and others. In July 2002 an agreement was reached to widen cover and amend certain other features of the scheme in a way that responded to these changing needs. In particular, Pool Re’s cover was extended to an “all risks” basis, and no longer restricted to fire or explosion. In addition, exclusions relating to chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) attack were removed. Risks related to war and cyber threats are still excluded until April 2018.

Cyber-Terrorism cover[]

On November 15, 2017 Steve Coates the Chief Underwriter for Pool Re announced wider cover, which now includes cyber-terrorism, and will be available from April 2018. "The scope of our cover is designed to protect commercial property and will be offered as standard to all policyholders buying terrorism insurance from a Pool Re Member".

"The cover is effectively Material Damage and direct Business Interruption (BI), so BI flows only from events happening at the policyholder’s premises. We will not be providing cover for intangible assets, specifically Money and Data, which are more appropriately covered by the cyber market."[4]

See also[]


  1. ^ Thomann 2004, p. 38.
  2. ^ "Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993". National Archives.
  3. ^ "Facts & Figures". Pool Reinsurance Company. Retrieved 26 February 2015.
  4. ^ "Cyber terrorism - Steve Coates discusses changes to Pool Re cover - Pool Reinsurance". Pool Reinsurance. 2017-11-15. Retrieved 2017-11-20.


  • Thomann, Christian, ed. (2004). "3. Definitions of terrorism". War, terrorism and insurance in Europe after September 11, 2001. Verlag Versicherungswirtsch. pp. 36–41. ISBN 3-89952-161-7.

External links[]

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