Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism

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The Professorship of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at the University of Glasgow was founded in 1861. The patron was formerly the Crown (i.e. a Regius Professorship). Since 1935, the University Court, acting on the recommendation of a Board of Nomination consisting of representatives of the University Court and of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, appoints the Professor.

(Regius) Professors of Divinity and Biblical Criticism[]

  • William Purdie Dickson MA LLD DD (1863)
  • William Stuart MA LLD DD (1873)
  • George Milligan MA DCL DD (1910)
  • George Hogarth Carnaby MacGregor MA DLitt DD (1933)
  • William Barclay CBE MA BD DD (1963)
  • Ernest Best MA BD PhD DD (1974-1982)
  • John Riches MA (1991)

See also[]

List of Professorships at the University of Glasgow

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