Quaker meeting (game)

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Quaker Meeting, or Quaker's meeting, is a child's game which is initiated with a rhyme and becomes a sort of quiet game where the participants may not speak, laugh, or smile. The rhyme has many variations, but is similar to the following:

Quaker meeting has begun.
No more laughing, no more fun.
If you show your teeth or tongue,
you must pay a forfeit.

Another version is as follows:

Quaker meeting has begun,
no more talking, no more fun.
no more chewing chewing gum.
starting now...

See also[]

External links[]

  • Dreher, Sarah. Shaman's Moon, 1998. p. 184. ISBN 0-934678-91-X 1.
  • King, Stephen. The Library Policeman, 1990. Chapter 2. ISBN 0-453-00748-1
  • Stratton, Jeff. The Courtesy Police, 2004. p. 98. ISBN 0-595-32465-7 3.
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