Rafael Jordana

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Rafael Jordana
Rafael Jordana Butticaz

(1941-07-17)17 July 1941
Alma materUniversity of Barcelona
Scientific career

Rafael Jordana Butticaz (born Zaragoza, 17 July 1941) is a Spanish scientist, Emeritus Professor of Animal Physiology and Zoology, and specialist in springtails (Collembola) .[1][2][3]


Academic training and teaching work[]

Jordana earned a bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences (Biology) from the University of Barcelona in 1964, with honors.[4]

His teaching career began at Tajamar School, where he taught biology from 1963 to 1964.[5] In 1965 he moved to Barcelona to start his doctorate, and was associate professor at the University of Barcelona from 1965 to 1967. From there, he moved to Pamplona where he completed his doctoral thesis in Biological Sciences, the first to be defended at the Faculty of Sciences.[4] At the same time he was an associate professor at the University of Navarra (1967-1971). In 1971, at the age of twenty-nine, he obtained two chairs simultaneously: "Animal Physiology" and "Applied Zoology",[6] at the University of La Laguna[7] in the Canary Islands, and was named Professor.

In October 1972, he moved back to Pamplona, where he worked as Professor of Zoology and Comparative Animal Physiology at the University of Navarra. He started to develop the Department of Zoology, and to archive the department's faunal research collections. These collections were later incorporated into the Zoology Museum of the University of Navarra,[8] where he was the director from its foundation in 1980 until his retirement in 2011.[citation needed]

He held various positions in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Navarra: Director of Studies (1969-1971), Faculty Secretary (1973-1975), Vice-Dean (1975-1981), Dean (1981-1990); Director of the Department of Zoology (1972-1993), and Director of the Department of Zoology and Ecology (1993-1999).[citation needed]


From 1965 to 1980, Jordana researched the biochemistry of the enterocyte in response to irradiation[9] and different drugs, comparing the active transport of sugars.[10] He published thirty-five research on Biochemistry and Comparative Physiology during this period.

On his appointment as Zoology Department Director he began working on soil fauna,[11] creating a research group in Soil Biology and directing theses on Nematoda,[12] Collembola,[13] Acari,[14] Oligochaeta[15] and insects.[16] He also collaborated with other departments focusing on vertebrates.[17]

In 2000, he obtained from the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation an evaluation of 6 six-year research terms, the maximum that could be achieved.[citation needed]

Jordana has written 255 papers, books and book chapters, with 2,000 citations,[18] and discovered and described 120 species of taxa.[19] He obtained four patents,[20] and 31 research grants from different entities. He directed 27 doctoral theses, all of them with a qualification of Summa cum laude.[citation needed]

Professional memberships[]

  • Member of the Council of Trustees for the Civil Studies Centers of the University of Navarra (1977-1984).
  • Founding member of the Fundación Empresa-Universidad de Navarra (1987-2011).
  • Director of the Institute of Applied Biology of the Scientific and Technological Institute (1991-2011).
  • Director of the Biology Collection of Editorial Eunsa (1973-2000).
  • Member of the Spanish Society of Physiological Sciences (until 1975).
  • Member of the Royal Spanish Society of Natural History (until 2011).
  • Member of the Spanish Association of Entomology (until 2011).
  • Member of the European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (until 1975).
  • Member of the expert panel of the European Research Network on Forest Ecosystems (until 2009).
  • Member of the Institute of Economic and Social Research Francisco de Vitoria (since 2016)
  • Honorary Professor at the Ricardo Palma University (Peru)


  1. ^ Redacción (November 26, 2012). "Hallan tres nuevas especies de artrópodos en las cuevas del Maestrazgo". Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas (SINC) (in Spanish). Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Retrieved May 9, 2020.
  2. ^ Rubio, Isabel (March 7, 2018). "Descubiertas 15 nuevas especies de invertebrados en la Sierra de Guadarrama". El País (in Spanish). Madrid. Retrieved May 9, 2020.
  3. ^ Redacción (November 27, 2012). "Biólogos de la UN participan en el hallazgo de nuevas especies de artrópodos en las cuevas del Maestrazgo (Teruel)". Agencia de Noticias Europa Press (in Spanish). Madrid. Retrieved May 9, 2020.
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b Ponz Piedrafita, Francisco (2010). "Rafael Jordana (decano entre 1981 y 1990) Impulsor de nuevas titulaciones y un Museo para Ciencias". Cincuenta años de Ciencias en la Universidad de Navarra (in Spanish). Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra. pp. 117–119. ISBN 978-84-8081-060-9.
  5. ^ Tajamar 50 aniversario 1958-2008 (in Spanish). Madrid. 2008. p. 134.
  6. ^ José Antonio, Pérez Caro (2006). "Historia de una Tesis". Redacción (in Spanish). pp. 16–17.
  7. ^ Baquero, Enrique (2012). "Rafael Jordana, 2012. Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola. Capbryinae & Entomobryini. Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Willi Xylander. Editores: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Dunger and Dr. Ulrich Burkhardt". Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología (in Spanish). Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología. XXXVI (3–4): 483–485. ISSN 0210-8984. Retrieved May 10, 2020.
  8. ^ Echevarria Gangoiti, Juan (March 12, 1971). "ORDEN de 8 de febrero de 1971 por la que le nombra, en virtud de oposición, a don Rafael Jardana y Butticaz Catedrático de la Universidad de La Laguna" (PDF). Boletín Oficial del Estado (in Spanish) (61): 4107. Retrieved May 10, 2020.
  9. ^ Jordana, R.; Ponz, F. (1969). "Effects of the x-irradiation in vitro on the O2 uptake and on the utilization of glucose by the intestine". Revista Española de Fisiologia. XXV (2): 129–135. PMID 5356126.
  10. ^ Herrera, L.; Jordana, R.; Ponz, F. (1977). "Effect of inhibitors on chloride-dependent transmural potential in the rectal wall of Schistocerca gregaria". Journal of Insect Physiology. XXIII (6): 677–682. doi:10.1016/0022-1910(77)90083-X. hdl:10171/39947.
  11. ^ Jordana, Rafael; Arbea, Javier; Moraza, María Lourdes (1987). "Effect of reafforestation by conifers in natural biotopes of middle and South Navarra (Northern Spain)". Revue suisse de zoologie; annales de la Société zoologique suisse et du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève. XCIV: 491–502.
  12. ^ Hernández, María Ángeles; Jordana, Rafael (1988). "First descriptions of the male of two species of Teratocephalus de Man, 1876 (Nematoda: Teratocephalidae)". Revue Nématol. XI (4): 423–428.
  13. ^ Jordana, Rafael; Baquero-Martin, Enrique (2005). "A proposal of characters for taxonomic identification of Entomobrya species (Collembola, Entomobryomorpha), with description of a new species". Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz. Pamplona. pp. 117–134. ISSN 0373-7586.
  14. ^ Goldarazena, Arturo; Jordana, Rafael; Zhang, Z.Q. (2000). "A new species and a new record of ectoparasitic mites from thrips in Turkey (Acari: Trombidiidae and Erythraeidae)". Systematic Parasitology. XLV (1): 75–80. doi:10.1023/A:1006289526619. PMID 10682925. S2CID 14911141.
  15. ^ Arbea, J.I.; Jordana, R. (1988). "Nota sobre la presencia masiva de Onychiurus folsomi Schaeffer (Collembola, Onychiuridae) en lechos de Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)". Boletín de Sanidad Vegetal-Plagas (in Spanish). XIV (4): 535–540.
  16. ^ Jordana, R.; Reboredo, M. (2001). "Metodología de cultivo de Heliothrips haemorrhaidalis (Bouché) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) en Viburnum tinus L. y desarrollo a dos temperaturas". Boletín de Sanidad Vegetal-Plagas (in Spanish). XXVII (1): 21–28.
  17. ^ Escala, María del Carmen; Jordana, Rafael (1982). Anfibios y reptiles (in Spanish). Pamplona: Ediciones y Libros. p. 233. ISBN 84-85112-40-7.
  18. ^ ORCID, ed. (2020). "Rafael Jordana" (in Spanish). Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  19. ^ Seminario-Córdova, Renzo A.; Baquero, Enrique; Jordana, Rafael; Vadell, Mateo (2018). "Collembola of the Campanet cave (Mallorca, Balearic Islands), with descriptions of new species of Pseudosinella (Entomobryidae) and Oncopodura (Oncopoduridae)". Zootaxa. 4532 (1): 44–56. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4532.1.2. PMID 30647373.
  20. ^ Garcia-Mina Freire, José María; Jordana Butticaz, Rafael; Hernández Minguillon, María Angeles (1994). "Organic amendment of natural origin capable of protecting plants from the agression [sic] of pathogens and of stimulatingplant growth". Publ. Of Application with Search Report - European Patent Office.

External links[]

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