Raimo Aas

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Raimo Aas (born 18 June 1953 in Tallinn) is an Estonian humorist.

Radio career[]

Raimo Aas performed together with Margus Lepa in the Sunday morning radio programme Meelejahutaja for several years.

Performance prohibition[]

Aas was subject to a six-month Soviet prohibition of public performance for singing, on the tune of Pust' vsegda budet solnce (Russian for "May there always be sunshine"; Estonian: Olgu jääv meile päike), lyrics that can be translated as "May there always be sunshine, may there always be smoked sausages". The performance was deemed as insulting to Soviet youth.[citation needed]


In 1999, Raimo Aas was awarded the Meie Mats award for lifelong work in humour.[citation needed]

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