Ramón de Castrocol

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Remon Castrocol was Bishop of Zaragoza between 1201 and 1216.[1][2]

In 1205 he gave gifts to the villages of Daroca[3] (, , ). On June 13, 1210 he signed an agreement with Gombal, Bishop of Tortosa demarcating the limits with the Diocese of Tortosa, , , and in Tortosa.

He died in 1216 AD.


  1. ^ Agustín Gil Domingo. LA HISTORIA DE CALAMOCHA A TRAVÉS DE LA HISTORIA (I). Xiloca 30.
  2. ^ Luis Alberto Majarena Gonzalvo. EL LIBRO BERMEJO DEL ARCHIVO COLEGIAL DE DAROCA. Centro de Estudios Darocenses. (Colección Documentos para la Historia de Daroca y su Comunidad. 1989).
  3. ^ The Bermejo book of the College of Daroca.

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