Renewal (religion)

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Renewal is the collective term for Charismatic, pentecostal and neo-charismatic churches.[citation needed]

Neo-charismatic churches[]

The neo-charismatic denominations have more than a million members in China,.[citation needed] In Vietnam the is one of the largest Christian denominations.

Pentecostal churches[]

In Myanmar, the is one of the largest Christian denominations.[1] The pentecostal churches , Assembleias de Deus, and the are among the largest denominations of Mozambique.[2] Indonesia has the pentecostal church Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia. Nigeria has the Assemblies of God and the Church of the Lord (Aladura).

Renewal Churches[]

See also[]


  1. ^ World Christian Encyclopedia. 2001. (2nd ed.) Oxford University Press. First volume, p. 521
  2. ^ World Christian Encyclopedia. 2001. (2nd ed.) Oxford University Press. First volume, p. 516/517


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