Rok Vilčnik

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Rok Vilčnik
Rok Vilčnik.jpg
Born (1968-04-18) 18 April 1968 (age 53)
Maribor, Slovenia
OccupationWriter, playwright, poet, songwriter, screenwriter
Years active1994–present

Rok Vilčnik (born 1968 in Maribor, Slovenia), also known as rokgre, is a Slovene writer, playwright; poet, songwriter and screenwriter.


He started his career as a painter and earned a BEd in fine arts. Due to a hand injury his career took a turn and he started writing. He has been a freelance artist ever since.
Vilčnik lives and works in Maribor, Slovenia.


He is mostly known for his theatrical plays for children and adults; he was three times awarded the Grum Award for best new Slovenian play. In 2000, he received it for To ("That"), in 2008 for Smeti na luni ("Garbage on the Moon"), and in 2016 for Ljudski demokratični cirkus Sakešvili ("The Sakeshvili Democratic People's Circus").

In 2004, at the Slovenian Festival of Monodrama in Ptuj, he was named the Slovenian Noble Comediographer and presented the Grand Prix for Pavlek ("Paulie").

Vilčnik also writes for TV, and he co-authored the popular television comedy series Naša mala klinika ("Our Little Clinic"), which has been broadcast in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. In addition, he was a script-writer for over 200 other TV plays, among them, Lepo je biti sosed ("Nice to be a Neighbour"), ("Thickheads"), and ("A Fine Story").

In 2014, he was recognized by the city of Maribor for his cultural achievements, particularly for his book of plays Ameriška trilogija ("American Trilogy"), with the Glazer Charter.

He is a founding member and songwriter for popular Slovenian bands Patetico, Papir and Pliš, and a songwriter for Neisha, Bilbi and Severa Gjurin.


  • Grumova nagrada (Grum Award for best new Slovenian play) (2000, 2008 in 2016)
  • Žlahtno komedijsko pero (Slovenian Noble Comediographer) (2004)
  • Glazerjeva listina (Glazer Charter) (2014)



  • Zvezda (A Star)
  • To (That)
  • Kleščar (Thongsman)
  • Enajsto čudo (The Eleventh Wonder)
  • Leticija in Silvester (Laetitia and Sylvester)
  • Blok (Tower Block)
  • Milan (Milan)
  • Mravljinčar ali gozd rdečih sadežev (Anteater or the Forrest of Red Fruit)
  • Pavlek (Paulie)
  • Othella (Othella)
  • Kokolorek (Kokolorek]
  • O čem govorimo, ko govorimo o ljubezni (What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Love)
  • Serum resnice (Syrup of Truth)
  • Bonton (Etiquette)
  • Sirup sreče (Syrup of Happiness)
  • Smeti na luni (Garbage on the Moon)
  • Samohranilec (Single Parent)
  • Mali priročnik biznisa (Little Guide for Business)
  • Tarzan (Tarzan)
  • Ljudski demokratični circus Sakešvili (The Sakeshvili Democratic People's Circus)

Radio drama[]

  • Legenda o človeku (Legend about a Man)
  • Dež (Rain)
  • Kleistovo pismo (Kleist's Letter)

TV series[]


  • Sanje (Dreams)
  • Pogrešanke (The Lost Poems)
  • Zdravilo za Ano (The Cure for Ana)


  • Mali ali kdo si je življenje zmislo? (The Nipper, or Who Invented Life?)
  • Deset let razmišljanja (Ten Years of Pondering)
  • Človek s pogledom (A Man with a View)

Children's literature[]

  • Vesoljne pravljice (Universal Fairytales)
  • Čombo, sončni kralj (Chombo the Sun King)
  • Babica marmelada (Grandma Marmelade)

External links[]

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