Serbian General Staff

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General Staff
Генералштаб Војске Србије
Generalštab Vojske Srbije
Generalštab VS.gif
Serbian General Staff emblem
(current form since 2006)
Country Serbia
Part ofSerbian Armed Forces
Chief of the General StaffGeneral Milan Mojsilović
Deputy Chief of the General StaffLt. Col. General Petar Cvetković
General František Zach
Vojvoda Radomir Putnik
Vojvoda Živojin Mišić
Vojvoda Petar Bojović

The Serbian Armed Forces General Staff (Serbian: Генералштаб Војске Србије, romanizedGeneralštab Vojske Srbije) is the highest authority within the Serbian Armed Forces. It is composed of five seniors ranking officers who make strategic and tactical preparations and procedures for use during peacetime and war.

  • develops the command structure,
  • establishes a plan of recruitment and schedule for recruits,
  • regulates training of the military,
  • establishes plans for education and training,
  • performing other tasks determined by military law.

Current members of the General Staff[]

Position Photo Name Rank Service
Chief of the General Staff Nacelnik-generalstaba-vojske-srbije-general-potpukovnik-milan-mojsilovic-18sep2018.jpg Milan Mojsilović General Emblem of the Serbian Land Forces.svg
Deputy Chief of General Staff GM Petar Cvetkovic.jpg Petar Cvetković Lt. Col. General Emblem of the Serbian Land Forces.svg
Commander of the Army General-potpukovnik-milosav-simovic-foto-jovo-mamula.jpg Milosav Simović Lt. Col. General Emblem of the Serbian Land Forces.svg
Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence Brigadni-general-dusko-zarkovic-foto-jovo-mamula.jpg Duško Žarković Lt. Col. General Serbian Air Force and Air Defence coat of arms.svg
Air Force
Training Commander Brigade general Nikola Dejanovic.jpg Nikola Dejanović Brig. general Emblem of the Serbian Training Command.svg
Training Command


The General Staff of the Armed Forces is divided on specific organizational structures that are directly subordinated to the General Staff and the Chief of General Staff.

Section Picture Responsible Commander Responsibility and duty
Office of Chief of the General Staff Pukovnik-stevan-kotarlic-foto-jovo-mamula.jpg Colonel Stevan Kotarlić
  • performs analytical, operational, technical and administrative tasks for the Chief of General Staff and his Deputy;
  • it plans, prepares and organizes operating and protocol activities of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • performs and conducts international military cooperation, legal functions, public affairs, as well as tasks within command function;
Joint Operations Commander GM Petar Cvetkovic.jpg Lt. Col. General Petar Cvetković
  • guides the preparation of decisions, assessments, claims, orders and other documents related to the development of operational and functional capability of the Serbian Armed Forces, which are to be considered and passed by the President and Minister of Defence;
  • coordinates the activities and participates in preparation of legal, sub-legal, planning and other documents, which are to be created by the Ministry of Defence, and which influence the building of operational and functional capability of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • coordinates the activities and is responsible for the development of a Defence Plan which refers to the preparation and engagement of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • is responsible for the implementation of organizational and formation changes, as well as manning of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • coordinates the activities of civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) which fall under General Staff's competence;
  • commands the Joint Operations Command;
  • in case of the Chief of General Staff's absence, he stands in for him and performs tasks under the Chief of General Staff's authority;
Sergeant Major of Serbian Armed Forces Zastavnik-prve-klase-zoran-lastro-foto-jovo-mamula.jpg Sgt. Major Zoran Laštro
Senior Enlisted Leader of Serbian Armed Forces Sergeant major Milojko Milosavljević.jpg Sgt. Major Milojko Milosavljević
Human Resources Administration
Pukovnik-savo-iriskic-foto-jovo-mamula.jpg Colonel Savo Iriškić
  • analyzing, planning and selection of human resources;
  • socialization of professional personnel;
  • assessments of efficiency and capabilities of professional personnel;
  • awards and incentives to professional personnel;
  • health care and security of professional personnel;
  • career management;
  • morale/psychological preparations;
  • planning, organization and coordination of the morale component of the Serbian Armed Forces military strength;
  • observing, building and assessing the level of morale of the Serbian Armed Forces personnel;
  • planning, organization and coordination of assessments and the area of cherishing traditions and cultural events in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • planning, organization and coordination of the work of psychologists in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • organization, planning and coordination of Chaplaincy Service in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
Intelligence and Reconnaissance Directorate
  • Military Geographical Institute
  • 224th Electronic Warfare Center
Brigadni-general-ilija-todorov-foto-jovo-mamula.jpg Brig. General Ilija Todorov
  • intelligence support to the Serbian Armed Forces in all missions;
  • drafting rules that regulate the field of intelligence/reconnaissance;
  • intelligence support; geo-topographic support and electronic warfare of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • responsible for development, equipping, and deployment of electronic warfare units and geodetic service of the Serbian Armed Forces;
Directorate of Operations
  • Operation Planning Department
  • Operational, Functional Capabilities and Inspection Department (OFCID)
  • Operational and General Affairs Department (OGAD)
Colonel-vidakovic-milorad-foto-SAF.jpg Colonel Milorad Vidaković
  • participate in drafting proposals of decisions to deploy Armed Forces and other forces in peace and war;
  • participate in drafting rules of engagement and application of standardized procedures ;
  • draft planning documents and work schedules for the Directorate and the General Staff;
  • draft plans for arrangement and preparation of the territory;
  • prepare assessments, reports and orders for improvement of operational and functional capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • plan echelonment of the war material reserves;
  • participate in the system of command and control of the Armed Forces, in terms of organizing the readiness measures;
  • draft documents for implementation of the Order on Armed Forces preparedness;
  • keep operational records for the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • participate in drafting of the information on arms control under the Agreement on Sub-Regional Arms Control and VD99 (Vienna Document 99);
  • draft documents on inspections and evaluations of operational and functional capabilities of commands, units and institutions of the Armed Forces and their compliance with laws, rules and regulations;
  • coordinate activities concerning the application of Operational Capabilities Concept in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • implement Partnership Goal G 0030 ‘Capabilities Evaluation and Certification;
  • propose measures to improve operational and functional capabilities of commands, units and institutions of the Armed Forces and their compliance with laws, rules and regulations;
  • assess efficiency of inspections and propose measures for further improvement of inspections in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • monitor operational and functional capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces and propose measures for their improvement;
  • regulate authority and responsibility for security of facilities, movables and personnel in the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • designate responsible and associate personnel for tasks in the Serbian Armed Forces independently or with JOC (Joint Operations Command);
  • approve the use of archives, created by the Podgorica Corps Command and the Navy Command (2nd Army), which were handed over to the Military Archives;
  • proofread documents to be signed by the Minister of Defence and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces for the organizational units of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff and the Guard Command;
  • regulate the garrisons and garrison locations of the organizational units of the Serbian Armed Forces and Ministry of Defense and regulate by orders the activities of the President of the Republic, the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff during visits to the commands, units and institutions of the Serbian Armed Forces;
Directorate of Logistics
  • Central Logistic Base
  • Operational-logistic and General Affairs Department
  • Supply Department
  • Maintenance Department
  • Traffic and Transport (TT) Department
  • General Logistic Section
  • Infrastructure Section
  • Medical Section
Brigadni-general-zeljko-ninkovic-foto-jovo-mamula.jpg Brig. General Željko Ninković
  • plan and organize logistic support system of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • provide timely and continuous supplies of material resources necessary for the Serbian Armed Forces performing its missions and tasks;
  • plan, organize and monitor equipment maintenance in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • plan, organize and monitor traffic and transportation in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • plan, organize and monitor general logistic activities in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • provide adequate working conditions for personnel, materiel storage, and construction of specific military facilities required by the Serbian Armed Forces to perform its missions and tasks;
Planning and Development Administration
  • Technical Testing Center
  • Use Planning Department
  • Organization and Mobilization Department
  • Development and Procurement Department
  • Operational and General Affairs Department
Pukovnik-goran-desancic-j5.jpg Colonel Goran Desančić
  • preventive planning of the Armed Forces use;
  • participating in planning crisis response operations;
  • providing strategic military advice regarding the Armed Forces use;
  • developing strategic-operational assessments of importance for the Armed Forces use and development, review, coordination, distribution and keeping the Armed Forces use plans;
  • designing structure and organisational units of the Armed Forces headquarters and units;
  • defining elements of organisational development of the Armed Forces headquarters and units;
  • monitoring and analyzing organisational procedures and changes in the Armed Forces headquarters and units,
  • suggesting organisational procedures and changes in the Armed Forces,
  • participating in developing documents and regulations regarding organisation in the Armed Forces, developing orders for executing changes regarding organisation and mobilization and monitoring the execution of those changes in the Armed Forces;
  • defining elements of mobilization development of the Armed Forces headquarters and units and distributing the suggestions;
  • planning and organizing the Armed Forces mobilization;
  • developing, updating and keeping the SAF GS Mobilization Plan, and record keeping, updating and keeping organisational documents and documents for monitoring organization of the Armed Forces;
  • developing scientific research plans for the Armed Forces;
  • developing studies and procurement plans with armaments and military equipment, lethal weapons and teaching aids;
  • producing tactical studies and initial development analysis of armaments and military equipment, lethal weapons and teaching aids;
  • drafting the development programme, scientific research programme and modernization programme of armaments and military equipment, lethal weapons and teaching aids;
  • participating in quality verification and drafting acquisition orders for armaments and military equipment, lethal weapons and teaching aids;
  • developing documents for acquisition of armaments and military equipment, lethal weapons and teaching aids
  • establishing criteria, table and distribution of armaments and military equipment, lethal weapons and teaching aids to HQs and units, granting consent for proclaiming armaments and military equipment, lethal weapons and teaching aids excess (and disposal);
  • planning, organizing, managing and controlling tasks carried out by the Technical Testing Center;
  • developing orders and other documents within J-5 authority concerning the planning process and execution of tasks of the Technical Test Center, inspection of HQs and units within J-5 area of responsibility, and participating in inspection and evaluation of operational and functional capabilities of the Armed Forces;
Telecommunications and IT Administration
  • Signal Brigade
  • Information Systems Command and IT Center
  • Applied Mathematics and Electronics Center
Pukovnik-mile-vitezovic-uprava-za-tki-j6.jpg Colonel Mile Vitezović
  • plan, organize, coordinate and control Communication and IT support of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • draft system documents for planning, organization and identification of Communication and IT support;
  • plan usage of the radio frequency spectrum in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • develop territorial proposals and plans in the field of Communications & IT resources for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • harmonize the Communications and IT systems of other owners in the Republic of Serbia for the needs of the national defence;
  • organize and enable functioning of the administrative work in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • plan, design, implement, modify and upgrade IT systems;
  • plan and design computer networks and the Internet access in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • plan and implement encryption in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and enable coordination between the functional encryption systems in the Republic of Serbia;
  • issue electronic certificates for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces; and
  • personalize electronic ID documents for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
Training and Doctrine Administration
  • Simulation Training Center
  • Training Department
  • Doctrine Department
  • Operations and General Affairs Department
Pukovnik-bosko-zoric-foto-jovo-mamula.jpg Colonel Boško Zorić
  • develop, enhance and manage the training system, define the common basis of the system and monitor its implementation in practice;
  • develop normative training documents;
  • insight into the scope and quality of implemented tasks and the level of training;
  • draft initial documents for the organization of practical training;
  • develop and improve individual training certification and unit training evaluation;
  • participate in inspections of operational and functional capabilities and monitor compliance with training standards in commands and units;
  • plan, organize and coordinate national and multinational exercises;
  • study and research international experiences in the field of military training and make proposals for applying the achievements in training;
  • draft system documents and plan, organize and implement physical training and sports curricula in the military;
  • plan expenditures for training tasks and normative regulation of the material resources for training and initiate procedures for development, manufacturing and acquisition of training assets;
  • draft basic and derived doctrinal documents;
  • develop and implement the Lessons Learned concept in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • study foreign armed forces doctrine development, technology advancement and its impact on the doctrine development;
  • study and analyze experiences of foreign and Serbian Armed Forces operations and propose their implementation in doctrinal documents and training, and
  • propose organizational models of commands and units based on the rules of engagement;
  • plan, organize, manage and monitor task performance of the Administration and the Simulation Training Center (STC);
  • regulate operation of the Administration;
  • organize the internal Administrative services;
  • command over STC;
  • analyze and report on the level of functional capabilities of the Administration and STC;
  • keep operational records of the Administration;
Department for Finances
  • Financial Management Section
  • Assessment and Reporting Group (GAI)
Potpukovnik-stepan-vukovic-foto-jovo-mamula.jpg Lt. Colonel

Stepan Vuković

  • allocation of the Serbian Armed Forces budget;
  • analyses of the Serbian Armed Forces financial management;
  • consolidated periodic and annual reports;
  • quarterly plans of the Serbian Armed Forces budget execution and income planning;
  • consideration of possibilities to finance additional requests;
  • inventory of movables in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • documents regulating financial management and control in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • documents for mobilization and financial service in preparing mobilization, as well as during mobilization and war time;
  • clarification, objections and expert opinions on implementation of regulations in the field of financial and asset management;
  • control of financial and asset management in units and establishments of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • participation in the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff teams for inspection of functional capabilities and compliance with laws, rules and regulations;
  • proposals of organization of the financial service in the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • proposals of appointments in the financial service in the Serbian Armed Forces; and
  • proposals of the scope of work of the financial service in the Serbian Armed Forces;
CIMIC Department
  • Planning Section
  • Support Group (GzP)
Nacelnik-j-9-pukovnik-dragan-mesarovic.jpg Colonel Dragan Mesarović
  • CIMIC planning in the current Serbian Armed Forces operations and long-term planning of the national defence;
  • Draft proposals for programs and CIMIC funding;
  • draft doctrinal documents related to CIMIC;
  • draft proposals, planning and rules of the Serbian Armed Forces engagement related to CIMIC;
  • update and maintain the database on the environment where the Serbian Armed Forces units conduct operations or where CIMIC elements will conduct operations;
  • participate in the General Staff teams for inspection and evaluation of operational and functional inter-operability and compliance with laws, rules and regulations of the Serbian Armed Forces commands, units and institutions;
Directorate of Military Police Pukovnik-rajko-milovanovic-nacelnik-uprave-vojne-policije.jpg Colonel Rajko Milovanović
  • manage the military police and general security affairs under the responsibility of the Military Police in the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence and exercise command over the units directly subordinated to the Military Police Directorate;
  • monitor, analyze and assess the status of criminality, order and discipline, security of persons and facilities, security of the military road traffic and counter-terrorist protection and propose adequate measures to the Chief of the General Staff;
  • plan and organize training and education of the Military Police personnel; and
  • take measures to improve system of technical protection in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • performing the tasks from its functional responsibilities, the Military Police Directorate cooperates with the Military Security Agency, Ministry of Interior and judicial authorities of the Republic of Serbia;

Organizational units[]

Organizational units of the Armed Forces serving directly under the General Staff:[1]

Organizational units under direct command of Chief of the Serbian General Staff[]

Chief of the Serbian General Staff since 1. April 2019. command directly following special forces units[2] without a need to go to other branches commands:

thus reaction time when need arise to use special forces units is shorten giving much better chance to complete given tasks. If Chief of the Serbian General Staff is absent next in command line - deputy can command this units.[3]


  1. ^ "Generalštab Vojske Srbije" (in Serbian).
  2. ^ "Vojska Srbije | Vojska Srbije".
  3. ^ "Početak formiranja 63. Padobranske i 72. Brigade za specijalne operacije | Vojska Srbije".

External links[]

Retrieved from ""