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Shambara is a rakshasa (demon) in the Bhagavata Purana.[1] He abducted the infant Pradyumna, the son of Krishna and Rukmini, in an attempt to kill him. Pradyumna was raised by his wife, Mayavati, who was Shambara's cook. After eventually growing up, Pradyumna killed Shambara and returned to his family in Dvaraka, along with his wife Rati, to whom he was married by birth.

The demon Shambara (Sambara) sits on a dark blue throne attended by two demon courtiers. Two fishermen, one holding up the fish that had swallowed Krishna's son, Pradyumna, stand on the right of the pavilion

Attempt To Kill Pradyumna[]

Kamadeva was burnt to ashes formerly by Lord Shiva's anger. According to the 55th Chapter of the 10th Canto of the Bhagavata Purana, Kamadeva was born as Pradyumna, the son of Krishna and Rukmini. The demon Shambara came to know of the prophecy that Pradyumna was born to kill him. Shambara came to the palace of Dvaraka in the disguise of a woman, took away Pradyumna, who was hardly ten days old at that time, and threw him into the ocean. Pradyumna was swallowed by a large fish. Pradyumna had the protection of Lord Krishna, his father, who saved him indirectly. Shambara later bought the same fish from a fisherman. Bhanamati, Shambara's cook, found Pradyumna inside the fish. Bhanamati and her husband Bhanasur had no children, thus, Bhanamati accepted Pradyumna as her son. Bhanamati raised Pradyumna unknown to Shambara.


Pradyumna Kills Sambara

After Pradyumna grew up in a short time, Rati told him the truth that she was his wife. She told her husband that he had appeared on the Earth to kill Shambara. Pradyumna started fighting with Shambara, who mayavi shakti (magic known to asuras). Shambara started using it in the middle of the battle to fly into outer space, and shower weapons such as arrows at Pradyumna. Rati also knew daitya magic, and used it to help Pradyumna move up into outer space. Pradyumna then severed Shambara's head with one blow of his sword. Pradyumna then went to Dvaraka and was reunited with his family.


  1. ^ "Srimad Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 55".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

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