Shatian dialect

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Native toSouthern China
Language codes
ISO 639-3
ISO 639-6stns
Shatian dialect
Traditional Chinese沙田話
Simplified Chinese沙田话

Satinese (Saatinwaa in Satinese) (Shatianhua in Putonghua) is a widespread dialect of Jyut Chinese. It is spoken by roughly half of the population of Chungsan (Zhongshan), Guangdong, in towns of Namtau, Wongpo, Fausa, Manchung, Gonghau, Tungsing, Tungfung, Siulaam, , , , and Tanchau. It differs greatly from Standard Cantonese and some dialects among the Satin Dialect shares some similarities with . Satin Regions in Chungsan is populated with Tanka people and the language is one of the major branches of the Tanka dialect.


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