Shi Nai'an Literary Prize

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The Shi Nai'an Literary Prize (施耐庵长篇叙事文学奖, abbreviated to 施耐庵文学奖) is awarded to a Chinese novel exhibiting an innovative style of narration. It is named after the Chinese author Shi Nai'an.

About the prize[]

This prize is awarded by the People's Government of Xinghua city, in Jiangsu province. It is named after Shi Nai'an, who was said to be from Xinghua. The prize aims to encourage depth and development in novels written in Chinese, and to promote the status of Chinese novels in the world. The prize was first awarded in 2011, and is awarded every two years.


Year Award Writer Title Notes
2011 1st year Jia Pingwa 贾平凹 《》
Yan Lianke 阎连科 《》
Dong Qizhang 董启章 《》 overseas
宁肯 《》
2013 2nd year Jin Yucheng 金宇澄 《》
Li Peifu 李佩甫 《》
Wang Anyi 王安忆 《》
Yan Geling 严歌苓 《》 overseas

Honour Titles[]

To encourage writers in Xinghua.

Year Award Winning Author Work
2011 1st Year 谷怀 《南瓜花》
顾坚 《青果》
2013 2nd Year 王锐 《谁说那些年的青涩不是爱》
刘仁前 《浮城》
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