Skwah First Nation

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The Skwah First Nation or Skwah Band is a band government of the Sto:lo people in the area of the City of Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.[1] It should not be confused with the Skway First Nation in the same area, which is a member of the Sto:lo Nation Chiefs Council, while the Skwah Nation is not.

Indian Reserves[]

Indian Reserves under the administration of the Skwah First Nation are:[2]

  • Grass Indian Reserve No. 15, 1/2 miles southeast of Chilliwack, 64.80 ha. shared with eight other bands
  • Pekw'Xe:yles (Peckquaylis), site of the former St. Mary's Indian Residential School, now a cultural/government/business centre, 10.30 ha.
  • , on the right bank of Hope Slough, 5 miles east of Chilliwack, 85.20 ha.
  • Skumalasph Indian Reserve No. 16, 6 miles northwest of Chilliwack, 468.40 ha., shared with four other bands
  • , west of and adjoining downtown Chilliwack, 126.30 ha.
  • , on the left bank of Hope Slough, 1 mile northeast of Chilliwack, 11.70 ha,
  • , northwest of and at the City of Chiillwack, 118.50 ha.


Registered population of the Skwah First Nation is 479. Of these 232 live on one of the band's own reserves (115 male, 117 female), 51 live on reserves administered by another band (25 male, 26 female), while 196 live off-reserve (91 male, 105 female).[3]


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