Sodium sulfate symporter

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Pfam clanCL0182
OPM superfamily272
OPM protein4f35

Sodium sulfate symporters are integral membrane proteins that mediate the intake of a wide variety of molecules with the concomitant uptake of sodium ions. These sodium symporters can be grouped, on the basis of sequence and functional similarities into a number of distinct families. One of these families, also known as SLC13 transporters, consists of the following proteins:

  • Mammalian sodium/sulphate cotransporter.[1]
  • Mammalian renal sodium/dicarboxylate cotransporter,[2] which transports succinate and citrate.
  • Mammalian intestinal sodium/dicarboxylate cotransporter.
  • Chlamydomonas reinhardtii putative sulphur deprivation response regulator SAC1.[3]

This family also includes a number of bacterial symporters.


  1. ^ Markovich D, Forgo J, Stange G, Biber J, Murer H (September 1993). "Expression cloning of rat renal Na+/SO4(2-) cotransport". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 90 (17): 8073–7. doi:10.1073/pnas.90.17.8073. PMC 47290. PMID 7690140.
  2. ^ Pajor AM (April 1996). "Molecular cloning and functional expression of a sodium-dicarboxylate cotransporter from human kidney". Am. J. Physiol. 270 (4 Pt 2): F642-8. doi:10.1152/ajprenal.1996.270.4.F642. PMID 8967342.
  3. ^ Davies JP, Yildiz FH, Grossman A (May 1996). "Sac1, a putative regulator that is critical for survival of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during sulfur deprivation". EMBO J. 15 (9): 2150–9. doi:10.1002/j.1460-2075.1996.tb00568.x. PMC 450137. PMID 8641280.
This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro: IPR001898
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