Sound Collective

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sound collective
Music ensemble
Sound Collective 12 03 2017 -5 (38021277545).jpg
Sound Collective at the Hotel Cafe in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, on Sunday, December 3, 2017. Featuring performances by Marissa Barbalato, Patrick Dwyer, Michelle Vezilj, and The Sound of Ghosts. Hosted by Josh Arbor.
LocationLondon, United Kingdom

Sound Collective is a London-based professional music ensemble.


Sound Collective, formed in 2003 was a home for classical musicians, who were hand-picked from the British orchestral, chamber and freelance scene.

Sometimes coming together as a chamber orchestra with conductor, but also formed as smaller chamber ensembles, they met just a few times each year to create bespoke performance and education projects.

The guiding principles behind the group were excellence in performance [1] through adequate rehearsal time, intelligent programming, a democratic ethos in both choice of repertoire and rehearsal approach, and a commitment to communication with their audiences.


  1. ^ "classical source sound collective reviews".

External links[]

sound collective official website (link does not exist anymore on 17-01-2021)

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