Spain–Albania Friendship Association

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Spain–Albania Friendship Association (Spanish: Asociación de Amistad España-Albania) was an organization based in Spain. The association was recognized by the government of Socialist Albania. The organization was linked to the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist).[1] In 1979, the organization began publishing Drita Albania (La Luz de Albania).[2]


  1. ^ "Albania y los GRAPO". El País. 29 December 1979.
  2. ^*cat?/aAsociaci%7Bu00F3%7Dn+de+Amigos+de+Leyre/aasociacion+de+amigos+de+leyre/-3%2C0%2C0%2CB/frameset&FF=aasociacion+de+amistad+espan~aa+albania&1%2C1%2C/indexsort=-[permanent dead link]

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