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Stathmopoda pedella
Scientific classification

Herrich-Schäffer, 1853
  • Boocara Butler, 1880
  • Placostola Meyrick, 1887
  • Erineda Busck, 1909
  • Agrioscelis Meyrick, 1913
  • Kakiuoria Nagano, 1916

Stathmopoda is a genus of moths of the subfamily Stathmopodinae in the family Oecophoridae. Note that the phylogeny and systematics of gelechoid moths are still not fully resolved.

Selected species[]

  • Stathmopoda aconias Meyrick, 1897 (India, Sri Lanka)
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • (Braun, 1918)
  • Meyrick, 1913 (Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands)
  • Stathmopoda albimaculata Philpott, 1931
  • Turner, 1941
  • Meyrick, 1910
  • Meyrick, 1927 (Samoa and Solomon Islands)
  • Meyrick, 1922
  • Turner, 1923
  • Stathmopoda aposema Meyrick, 1901
  • Stathmopoda arachnitis Meyrick, 1907 (Sri Lanka)
  • Turner, 1917
  • Meyrick, 1913
  • Stathmopoda aristodoxa Meyrick, 1926
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Guillermet, 2011
  • Stathmopoda auriferella (Walker, 1864)
  • Meyrick, 1913
  • Turner, 1917
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • Stathmopoda biclavis Meyrick, 1911
  • Koster, 2010
  • Lower, 1893
  • Stathmopoda calyptraea Meyrick, 1908 (Burma)
  • Meyrick, 1890
  • Stathmopoda campylocha Meyrick, 1889
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Turner, 1941
  • Meyrick, 1913 (New Guinea, Solomon Islands)
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Turner, 1923
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Meyrick, 1927
  • Turner, 1941
  • Viette, 1951
  • Busck, 1909
  • Stathmopoda coracodes Meyrick, 1923
  • Bradley, 1961 (Solomon Islands)
  • Walsingham, 1891
  • Stathmopoda crocophanes Meyrick, 1897
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • (Legrand, 1958)
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Meyrick, 1933 (Fidji, Guam, Solomon Islands)
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • Turner, 1941
  • Stathmopoda diplaspis (Meyrick, 1887)
  • Philpott, 1923
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • Busck, 1909
  • Stathmopoda endotherma Meyrick, 1931
  • Meyrick, 1927 (New Hebrides, Solomon Islands)
  • Meyrick, 1911
  • Meyrick, 1936
  • (Turner, 1926)
  • Kasy, 1973
  • Clarke, 1978
  • Meyrick, 1915
  • Diakonoff, 1983
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • Bradley, 1961 (Solomon Islands)
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • Stathmopoda hexatyla Meyrick, 1907 (Sri Lanka, Russia)
  • Lower, 1904
  • Stathmopoda holochra Meyrick, 1889
  • Meyrick, 1934
  • Stathmopoda horticola Dugdale, 1988
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Bradley, 1957 (Solomon Islands)
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Stathmopoda ischnotis Meyrick, 1897
  • (Meyrick, 1897)
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Meyrick, 1911
  • Meyrick, 1911
  • (Meyrick, 1927)
  • Walsingham, 1891
  • Viette, 1954
  • Turner, 1900
  • Stathmopoda margabim Viette, 1995 (Reunion)
  • Terada & Sakamaki, 2011
  • Turner, 1941
  • Stathmopoda masinissa Meyrick, 1906 (Sri Lanka)
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Stathmopoda melanochra Meyrick, 1897 (Australia)
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Meyrick, 1920
  • Meyrick, 1913
  • Stathmopoda monoxesta (Meyrick, 1929)
  • Legrand, 1966
  • Bradley, 1961 (Solomon Islands)
  • Stathmopoda mysteriastis Meyrick, 1901
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • Meyrick, 1913
  • Meyrick, 1907 (Sri Lanka)
  • Turner, 1941
  • Meyrick, 1932 (Solomon Islands)
  • Turner, 1941
  • (Turner, 1926)
  • Meyrick, 1917
  • Turner, 1923
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Stathmopoda pedella (Linnaeus, 1761)
  • Legrand, 1966
  • Stathmopoda perfuga (Meyrick, 1928)
  • Meyrick, 1938 (New Guinea, Solomon Islands)
  • Stathmopoda placida Meyrick, 1908 (Burma)
  • Turner, 1923
  • Stathmopoda plumbiflua Meyrick, 1911
  • Meyrick, 1913
  • Meyrick, 1913 (Comoros)
  • Turner, 1941
  • Meyrick, 1930
  • Turner, 1941
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • Turner, 1941
  • Meyrick, 1920
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • (Lower, 1899)
  • Stathmopoda skelloni Butler, 1880
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • (Legrand, 1958)
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • Meyrick, 1936 (Solomon Islands)
  • (Meyrick, 1909)
  • Lower, 1904
  • Stathmopoda trichrysa
  • Meyrick, 1934
  • Meyrick, 1921
  • Turner, 1941
  • Meyrick, 1926
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Turner, 1917
  • Viette, 1954
  • Turner, 1933
  • Meyrick, 1897
  • Meyrick, 1908
  • Meyrick, 1913
  • Turner, 1941


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