Student Politicism

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Student Politicism
Student Politicism.png
Founded26 May 2020 (2020-05-26)
Dissolved24 September 2021 (2021-09-24)
Secretary General
Chan Chi-sum
Wong Yat-chin
Wong Yuen-lam

Student Politicism (Chinese: 賢學思政) was a localism student political group in Hong Kong. Dubbed as "one of the few student activists under National Security Law", the group was founded on 26 May 2020, and dissolved on 24 September 2021 after core members charged under the law.


"To test the red line"[]

Student Politicism was founded on 26 May 2020,[1] just days after the Chinese Government announced the start of enacting the National Security Law. The group name "賢學思政" was taken from their slogan "賢學啟志 衛民思政", meaning "venerate studying to enlighten mind; defend citizens to ponder politics." Wong Yat-chin, the convenor of the group, once described the value of the group is "to test the red line of the regime",[2] and to “bring hope to people”.[3]

Booth of Student Politicism in February 2021 with Wong Yat-chin (right)

Student Politicism voiced support on the democratization of Hong Kong, aimed to raise the public awareness on education, local culture, and various social issues, including the detainment of 12 Hongkongers in Chinese water, while supporting the jailed protestors by collecting supplies for prisoners and letters of support.[4][5] It gained prominence after frequently setting up street booths to advocate their ideas.[6]

Following the imposition of National Security Law in Hong Kong by China, the pro-democracy protests and movements lost the momentum. Student Politicism became one of the few remaining active student political organisations and critics of the authorities.[7] The core members were repeatedly arrested on suspicion of illegal assembly or sedition,[5] and were warned of possibly breaching the National Security Law by the police.[8][5]


On 20 September 2021, Wong Yat-chin, secretary-general Chan Chi-sum, and former spokeswoman Jessica Chu were arrested under National Security Law.[9] Spokeswoman Wong Yuen-lam was arrested on the next day.[10] The police alleged them to have incited hatred against Hong Kong's government by urging people not to use the LeaveHomeSafe Covid tracking app and by other means,[11] in addition of calling to prepare for another "revolution" or "war" by learning battle skills.[12] Four were taken to court later, charged for inciting subversion, and all denied bail.[13]

On 24 September, days after the crackdown, the group announced the disbandment, citing the "lack of foreseeable space" to continue the mission.[14]


  1. ^ 凌逸德 (2021-09-20). "本土派組織賢學思政成立逾年 王逸戰曾稱﹕存在價值是試政權紅線". 香港01 (in Chinese (Hong Kong)). Archived from the original on 2021-09-26. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  2. ^ "【專訪】賢學思政:我們存在是為了試紅線". Stand News (in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 2021-01-01. Archived from the original on 2021-12-29. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  3. ^ "Hong Kong Student Politicism activist seeks 'to bring hope' despite multiple arrests". Hong Kong Free Press HKFP. 2021-07-10. Archived from the original on 2022-01-03. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  4. ^ "賢學思政1小時收40袋物資送在囚人士 80歲婆婆斥林鄭無良心:害到班後生咁慘". Apple Daily. 2020-12-13. Archived from the original on 2021-05-07.
  5. ^ a b c "賢學思政去年5月成立 曾稱「試紅線」屬組織存在價值". Mingpao (in Traditional Chinese). 2021-09-21. Archived from the original on 2021-09-26. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  6. ^ "消息:警方國安處拘賢學思政三人 涉煽動顛覆國家政權". Now News (in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 2021-09-20. Archived from the original on 2021-09-26. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  7. ^ "【解散香港】國安法下 至少 49 組織今年宣布解散、停運". Stand News (in Chinese (Hong Kong)). Archived from the original on 2021-09-26. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  8. ^ "警方國安處曾晤學生組織「賢學思政」 成員稱有心理準備坐監、不會流亡". 眾新聞 (in Chinese). 2020-12-29. Archived from the original on 2021-05-03. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  9. ^ Ho, Kelly (2021-09-20). "Hong Kong national security police arrest student group leaders". Hong Kong Free Press HKFP. Archived from the original on 2022-01-03. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  10. ^ "4 人被控串謀煽動顛覆正還押 賢學思政宣布解散:再無運作空間". Stand News (in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 2021-09-24. Archived from the original on 2021-12-29. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  11. ^ "Hong Kong students held for 'inciting subversion,' accused of providing M&Ms for prisoners and of urging people to shun gov't Covid app". Hong Kong Free Press HKFP. 2021-09-20. Archived from the original on 2022-01-03. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  12. ^ "國安處:賢學思政 3 人被捕 曾籲勿用安心出行、向在囚者提供物資 涉煽動分裂顛覆政權". Stand News (in Chinese (Hong Kong)). Archived from the original on 2021-09-20. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  13. ^ Candice Chau (2021-09-23). "Hong Kong court denies bail to 19-year-old student leader over national security charge". Hong Kong Free Press HKFP. Archived from the original on 2022-01-03. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
  14. ^ "Student Politicism disbands after NSL arrests". RTHK. 2021-09-25. Archived from the original on 2021-09-26. Retrieved 2021-09-26.
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