Tanhc function

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In mathematics, the tanhc function is defined as[1]

Tanhc 2D plot
Tanhc'(z) 2D plot
Tanhc integral 2D plot
Tanhc integral 3D plot
Imaginary part in complex plane
Real part in complex plane
absolute magnitude
First-order derivative
Real part of derivative
Imaginary part of derivative
absolute value of derivative

In terms of other special functions[]

Series expansion[]

Padé approximation[]


Tanhc abs complex 3D
Tanhc Im complex 3D plot
Tanhc Re complex 3D plot
Tanhc'(z) Im complex 3D plot
Tanhc'(z) Re complex 3D plot
Tanhc'(z) abs complex 3D plot
Tanhc abs plot
Tanhc Im plot
Tanhc Re plot
Tanhc'(z) Im plot
Tanhc'(z) abs plot
Tanhc'(z) Re plot
Tanhc integral abs 3D plot
Tanhc integral Im 3D plot
Tanhc integral Re 3D plot
Tanhc integral abs density plot
Tanhc integral Im density plot
Tanhc integral Re density plot

See also[]


  1. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Tanhc Function." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TanhcFunction.html
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