Tarja Kallio-Tamminen

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Tarja Kallio-Tamminen (b. Hyvinkää) is a Finnish researcher of philosophy, academic lecturer and science writer. She has studied nuclear physics and theoretical philosophy. Her doctoral thesis was about the interpretation of quantum mechanics.[1] She has written about the conception of reality, foundations of quantum physics and the philosophy of mind.[2] Kallio-Tamminen is the Chief editor of the online philosophical magazine Eko.fi,[3] which is published by the Green Cultural Association. Kallio-Tamminen was also president of the association from 1990 to 1993.[4]

Selected works[]

  • Quantum Metaphysics: The Role of Human Beings within the Paradigms of Classical and Quantum Physics Academic Dissertation, June 2004. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy, Theoretical Philosophy. Oitmäki: Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, 2004. ISBN 952-10-1927-1
  • Kvanttilainen todellisuus: Fysiikka ja filosofia maailmankuvan muokkaajina. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 2006. ISBN 951-570-625-4


External links[]

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