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In higher criticism, the Tendenz of a literary work is its drift or bias, sometimes also the actual authorial intent. Tendenzkritic is the analysis of a work to determine its aim or purpose.[1] The term comes from the German for "tendency" (itself derived from English or French) and was coined in the 19th century.[2] It is especially associated with the biblical criticism of F. C. Baur.[1]


  1. ^ a b Richard N. Soulen, R. Kendall Soulen (eds.), Handbook of Biblical Criticism, 3rd rev. ed. (Westminster John Knox Press, 2001), p. 187, s.v. "Tendenz Criticism".
  2. ^ Jennifer Speake and Mark LaFlaur (eds.), The Oxford Essential Dictionary of Foreign Terms in English (Oxford University Press, 1999), s.v. "tendenz".

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