The Gazebo (painting)

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The Gabezo (1818) by Caspar David Friedrich

The Gazebo or The Garden Bower is an 1818 oil on canvas painting by Caspar David Friedrich, now in the Neue Pinakothek in Munich.

The artist is said to have given it to Johann Christian Finelius from Griefswald[1] and until 1848 it was owned by Finelius's son , again in Griefswald.[2] Hermann left it to his sister Friederike Buhtz, who in turn left it to Paul Hanow (1909–1936). It was lost in 1944 due to wartime conditions.[3]


  1. ^ (in German) Herrmann Zschoche: Caspar David Friedrich. Die Briefe. ConferencePoint Verlag, Hamburg 2006, S. 128
  2. ^ (in German) Helmut Börsch-Supan, Karl Wilhelm Jähnig: Caspar David Friedrich. Gemälde, Druckgraphik und bildmäßige Zeichnungen, Prestel Verlag, München 1973, ISBN 3-7913-0053-9 (Werkverzeichnis), S. 351
  3. ^ (in German) Paul Ortwin Rave: Caspar David Friedrichs Gartenlaube In: Die Kunst für Alle, 59, 1944, S. 85–87 (Online abrufbar)

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