The Risen Christ in Glory

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The Risen Christ in Glory (1528–1530) by Rosso Fiorentino

The Risen Christ in Glory is a 1528–1530 oil on panel painting by Rosso Fiorentino, now in the Diocesan Museum in the Città di Castello. It shows the risen Christ with (from left to right) Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary, Saint Anne and Mary of Egypt.[1]


Rosso signed the contract for the work on 1 July 1528 in Città di Castello.[2] It had been commissioned by the local Company of the Corpus Domini. The contract stipulated the subject as the risen Christ in glory with four saints, all above "many and diverse figures which signify, represent the people, with as many angels as he [the painter] can accommodate".[3]


  1. ^ "Article on the work". Archived from the original on 2011-06-23.
  2. ^ (in Italian) Elisabetta Marchetti Letta, Pontormo, Rosso Fiorentino, Scala, Firenze 1994. ISBN 88-8117-028-0
  3. ^ (in Italian) Antonio Natali, Rosso Fiorentino, Silvana Editore, Milano 2006. ISBN 88-366-0631-8

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