Tibor Tollas

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Tibor Tollas (or with full name Tibor Kecskési Tollas) (Nagybarca, Hungary 21 December 1920 – Munich, Germany 19 July 1997) was a Hungarian poet, chief editor of the newspaper Völkischer Beobachter.


He was born in Nagybarca, Hungary on 21 December 1920. In his ancestry were soldiers who had served under Lajos Kossuth; he followed this tradition, attending Military School in Sopron and, later, the Ludovica Military Academy in Budapest. By 1941 he was serving as a lieutenant in the Hungarian Army. He served as an officer during the Second World War, and after it. In 1945 he was wounded in both hands. In 1947 he was arrested following accusations not known to this author, tried and convicted by the People's Court, and jailed for nine years. He served this sentence in Budapest, Vác and Tatabánya (in a "mile work camp"), and was freed in 1956. In the Revolution of 1956 he served as a liaison officer. After the suppression of the 1956 Revolution he left Hungary. On 1 December 1956, with his former jail fellows, he founded the emigrant newspaper "Nemzetőr" (Nation's guard), published in Munich. He was the chief editor of this newspaper for 40 years.

He was one of the few surviving emigres of 1956 when Soviet troops left Hungary in 1990-91, and was able to return home permanently. He died on 19 July 1997 in Munich, Germany.


  • Füveskert (Anthology), Vienna, 1957. then Budapest, 1995. (In German: Munich, 1957, In Italian: Florence, 1958, In Russian: Buenos Aires, 1958, In Spanish: Buenos Aires, 1959, In Norwegian, In Danish: Oslo, 1959, In English: New York, 1966.)
  • …csak ennyi fény maradt. (Poems, 1945–1960), Brussels, 1960.
  • African Mission (with Tamás Kürthy), Munich, 1963.
  • Gloria victis. Az 1956-os magyar szabadságharc költői visszhangja a nagyvilágban. (Poems collected by Tibor Tollas), Munich, 1966.
  • Járdaszigeten (Poem), Munich, 1967.
  • Eszterlánc (Poem), Munich, 1969.
  • Gloria victis. Az 1956-os magyar szabadságharc költői visszhangja a nagyvilágban. (Poems collected by Tibor Tollas), Munich, 1973.
  • Irgalmas fák. (Poem), Munich, 1975.
  • Bányászok, (Poem), Munich-São Paulo, 1976.
  • Évgyűrűk, (Poems, translations), Munich, 1979.
  • Forgószélben. (Selected poems), Munich, 1983, In English: Chicago, 1990.
  • Varázskör (Poem), Munich, 1988.
  • Varázskör – Forgószélben, (Selected poems), 1989.
  • Forgószélben – In Whirlwind, (Selected poems in English and Hungarian), Chicago, 1990.
  • Hazafelé. Negyven év válogatott versei (Ed. Sándor Agócs), Lakitelek, 1991.
  • Füveskert 1954-1995, (Edited with Rudolf Pfitzner, Kamil Kárpáti and Bálint Tóth), 1995.
  • Bebádogoztak minden ablakot. (Multilingual minibook), Lakitelek, 1995.

Further reading[]

  • Medvigy Endre: Az emigrációban munkálkodó Kecskési Tollas Tibor küzdelme az 1956-os szabadságharc szellemének és a magyar kérdésnek ébrentartásáért. In: Magyar Örökség. Laudációk könyve: 1995-2000. Budapest, Magyarországért Alapítvány, 2001. pp. 257–260.
  • Novák József: Tollas Tibor „Szememmel lássad az utat...!” In: Evangéliumi Hírnök – Az Észak-Amerikai Magyar Baptista Szövetség havilapja Chicago, September 1997.
  • Saáry Éva: Varázskör – Tollas Tibor emlékére. In: Kanadai Magyarság, Toronto, 2002. vol. 52.
  • Márai Sándor tíz levele. In: Vigilia, Budapest, January 2001.
  • Juhász László: Varázskörben. Egy barátság emlék-forgácsai. In: Új Horizont. 1998. 5-6. sz. p. 100-104.
  • Lőcsei Gabriella: In memoriam Tollas Tibor. In: Magyar Nemzet. 30 August 1997. p. 18.
  • Modor Ádám: In memoriam Kecskési Tollas Tibor (1920–1997). In: Napi Magyarország. 6 April 1998. p. 3.
  • Modor Ádám: Kecskési Tollas Tibor emléke. In: Népszabadság. 3 April 1998. p. 13.

External links[]

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