Tsigdön Dzö

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Tsigdön Dzö (Tibetan: ཚིག་དོན་མཛོད, Wylie: tshig don mdzod) is a textual work written in Classical Tibetan and one of the Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa. Longchenpa wrote 'The Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle' (Wylie: theg mchog mdzod) as an autocommentary to this work.


The full name for the work is 'The Treasury of Precious Words and Meanings' (Tibetan: ཚིག་དོན་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་མཛོད, Wylie: tshig don rin po che'i mdzod).

Outline of text[]

Rigpa Shedra (August 2009)[1] provide a useful outline of the text which in its original composition consists of eleven chapters from which the following summary is founded:

  1. the 'ground and basis of reality' (Wylie: gzhi) and how that 'ground' dynamically manifests itself (Wylie: gzhir snang);
  2. how sentient beings stray from the 'ground';
  3. how all sentient beings have the essence of enlightened energy;
  4. how 'primordial wisdom' (Wylie: ye shes) abides within us;
  5. the pathways;
  6. the gateways;
  7. domain for 'primordial wisdom';
  8. how primordial wisdom is experientially accessed;
  9. signs of realization;
  10. signs in the dying and bardo transition; and
  11. ultimate fruition as the manifest realization of the kayas.

Western scholarship[]

Tulku Thondup Rinpoche (1989) broached an opening of the discourse of this text into English when he included an abridged translation of Chapter Eleven in one of his works.[2]


  1. ^ Rigpa Shedra (August 2009). 'Treasury of Word and Meaning'. Source: [1] (accessed: Friday December 18, 2009)
  2. ^ Tulku Thondup (1989). The Practice of Dzogchen. Ithaca: Snow Lion, 1989, pp. 205-213, pp. 400-401 and pp. 413-420.

External links[]

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