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צִנּוֹרִת֘ ֘ רָ֘עֵ֤ב
Sof passuk ׃   paseq ׀
etnachta ֑   segol ֒
shalshelet ֓   zaqef qatan ֔
zaqef gadol ֕   tifcha ֖
rivia ֗   zarqa ֘
pashta ֙   yetiv ֚
tevir ֛   geresh ֜
geresh muqdam [de] ֝   gershayim ֞
qarney para ֟   telisha gedola ֠
pazer ֡   atnah hafukh [de] ֢
munach ֣   mahapakh ֤
merkha ֥   merkha kefula ֦
darga ֧   qadma ֨
telisha qetana ֩   yerah ben yomo ֪
ole ֫   illuy ֬
dehi [de] ֭   zinor ֮

Tsinnorit (Hebrew צִנּוֹרִת֘) is a cantillation mark in the Hebrew Bible, found at the 3 poetic books, also known as the א״מת books (Job or אִיוֹב in Hebrew, Proverbs or מִשְלֵי, and Psalms or תְהִלִּים). It looks like a 90-degrees rotated, inverted S, placed on top of a Hebrew consonant. Tsinnorit is very similar in shape to Zarka (called tsinnor in the poetic books), but is used differently. It is always combined with a second mark to form a conjunctive symbol:[1]

  • Tsinnorit combines with (merkha to form merkha metsunneret, a rare variant of merkha that serves mainly sof pasuq.
  • Tsinnorit combines with mahapakh to form mehuppakh metsunnar, also a rare mark, variant of mahapakh that serves mainly azla legarmeh but appears also in the other contexts where mahapakh and appear.

This mark has been wrongly named by Unicode.[2][3] Zarqa/tsinnor corresponds to Unicode "Hebrew accent zinor", code point U+05AE (where "zinor" is a misspelled form for tsinnor), while tsinnorit maps to "Hebrew accent zarqa", code point U+0598.

See also[]

  • Zarka (trope)#Zarka, Tsinnor and Tsinnorit


  1. ^ "Hebrew Cantillation Marks And Their Encoding. II. Syntax: Conjunctive Marks In The 3 Books".
  2. ^ "Unicode Technical Note #27: "Known Anomalies in Unicode Character Names"".
  3. ^ "Unicode Technical Note #27: "Known Anomalies in Unicode Character Names", Appendix A".
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