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UMvelinqangi is a Nguni word which translates to "the Most High" or "Divine Consciousness"; that is considered the source of all that has been, that is and all that ever will be.

UMvelinqangi, contrary to widespread belief[citation needed] is not personified. Umvelinqangi is most accurately described as the inner light of creation.

Ukukhothama (meditation) was a widespread practice prior to westernisation among the Zulu clan. Ukukhothama was seen as a way of attaining ubunye noMvelinqangi (oneness with the divine conscious). This practice is primarily the reason why the amaZulu clan survived through the ages without any form of western/modern resources.



  • Callaway, Henry (1870). The Religious System of the Amazulu. Forgotten Books. p. 292. ISBN 978-1-60506-005-7.
  • Deedat, Ahmed. "The Zulu Concept of God".
  • Rev. Canon Callaway, Unkulunkulu: The tradition of creation as existing among the Amazulu and other tribes of South Africa, 1868
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