United Textile Workers of America

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The United Textile Workers of America (UTW) was a North American trade union established in 1901.


Founded in 1901 under the aegis of the American Federation of Labor as an amalgamation of several independent trade unions. The UTW had limited success prior to the 1930s, but the union claimed about 350,000 members at the time of a general textile strike in 1934. The UTW became a founding member of the Committee for Industrial Organizations in 1935, whose Textile Workers Organizing Committee established the basis for a new union, the Textile Workers Union of America, founded in 1939. A diminished UTW continued separately after 1939 and, in 1996, merged with the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union.[1]

Notable members[]

See also[]


  1. ^ Fink, Gary M. (1977). Labor Unions. Greenwood encyclopedia of American institutions. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. pp. 380–386. ISBN 0-8371-8938-1.

External links[]

  • PBS: The Uprising of '34
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