Vaginal transplantation

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Vaginal transplantation is procedure whereby donated or laboratory-grown vagina tissue is used to create a 'neovagina'. It is most often used in women who have vaginal aplasia (the congential absence of a vagina).


Vaginal aplasia is a rare medical condition in which the vagina does not form properly before birth. Sufferers of the condition may have a partially formed vagina, or none at all. The condition is typically treated by reconstructive surgery. First a space is surgically created where the vagina would typically exist. Then tissue from another part of the body is harvested, molded into the shape of a vagina, and grafted into the vagina cavity. This technique has significant drawbacks. Typically, the implanted tissue does not function normally as a muscle, which can lead to low enjoyment of sexual intercourse. Additionally, stenosis (narrowing of the cavity) can occur over time.[1] Most women require multiple surgeries before a satisfactory result is achieved.[2] An alternative to traditional reconstructive surgery is transplantation.

Donor technique[]

In a handful of cases, a woman with vaginal aplasia has received a successful vagina transplant donated by her mother.[3] The first such case is believed to have occurred in 1970, with no signs of rejection taking place after three years.[4] In at least one case, a woman who received such a transplant was able to conceive and give birth.[5] In 1981, a 12-year-old girl with vaginal aplasia received a vaginal wall implant from her mother. She became sexually active seven years later, without incident. At age 24, she conceived and carried a child to term. The child was born via cesarean section.[6]

Laboratory-grown technique[]

In April 2014, a team of scientists led by Anthony Atala reported that they had successfully transplanted laboratory-grown vaginas into four female teenaged girls with a rare medical condition called Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome that causes the vagina to develop improperly, or sometimes not at all.[7] Between 1 of 1,500 to 4,000 females are born with this condition.[1]

The four patients began treatment between May 2005 and August 2008.[1] In each case, the medical research team began by taking a small sample of genital tissue from the teenager's vulva.[8] The sample was used as a seed to grow additional tissue in the lab which was then placed in a vaginal shaped, biodegradable mold.[7] Vaginal-lining cells were placed on the inside of the tube, while muscle cells were attached to the outside.[8] Five to six weeks later, the structure was implanted into the patients, where the tissue continued to grow and connected with the girls' circulatory and other bodily systems.[1][7] After about eight years, all four patients reported normal function and pleasure levels during sexual intercourse according to the Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire, a validated self-report tool. No adverse results or complications were reported.[1]

In two of the four women, the vagina was attached to the uterus, making pregnancy possible. No pregnancies were reported, however, during the study period. , who works on tissue engineering, but was not involved in the study, said it "addressed some of the most important questions facing translation of tissue engineering technologies."[8] Commentary published by the National Health Service (NHS) called the study "an important proof of concept" and said it showed that tissue engineering had "a great deal of potential."[1] However, the NHS also cautioned that the sample size was very small and further research was necessary to determine the general viability of the technique.[1]

The laboratory-grown autologous transplant technique could also be used on women who want reconstructive surgery due to cancer or other disease once the technique is perfected.[7] However, more studies will need to be conducted and the techniques further developed before commercial production can begin.[8]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Bazian (April 11, 2014). "Lab-grown vaginas successfully implanted". NHS (UK). Retrieved May 17, 2014.
  2. ^ Melissa C. Davies; Sarah M. Creighton; Christopher R.J. Woodhouse (June 2005). "The pitfalls of vaginal construction". BJU International. 95 (9): 1293–98. doi:10.1111/j.1464-410x.2005.05522.x. PMID 15892820.
  3. ^ G Belleannée; J L Brun; H Trouette; J P Mompart; J F Goussot; G Brun; A de Mascarel (July–August 1998). "Cytologic Findings in a Neovagina Created with Vecchietti's Technique for Treating Vaginal Aplasia". Acta Cytol. 42 (4): 945–8. doi:10.1159/000331973. PMID 9684582. S2CID 3352490.
  4. ^ Dennis Sanders (1982). The First of Everything. p. 117. ISBN 9780440524229.
  5. ^ Atef M.M. Darwish (June 2010). "Fine needle vaginoplasty: a simplified novel approach for correction of vaginal aplasia". Fertility and Sterility. 94 (1): 309–312. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2009.02.006. PMID 19344896.
  6. ^ Prapas; Papanicolaou; Prapas; Goutzioulis; Papanicolaou (1993). "Term pregnancy after vaginal transplantation in a case of vaginal agenesis with a functional uterus". Acta Europaea Fertilitatis. 24 (2): 77–78. PMID 8171927.
  7. ^ a b c d Kim Painter (April 11, 2014). "Lab-grown vaginas and nostrils work, doctors report". USA Today. Retrieved April 12, 2014.
  8. ^ a b c d James Gallagher (April 10, 2014). "Doctors implant lab-grown vagina". BBC. Retrieved April 12, 2014.
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