Valerie Frissen

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Valerie Frissen, 2009

Valerie Frissen (born 1960 in Puth) holds the in ‘ICT and Social Change’[1] at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Erasmus University Rotterdam where she belongs to the group of Professor Dr. . The chair is sponsored by the Dutch governmental research organization TNO, where Valerie Frissen is also head of the ICT & Policy department of TNO Information and Communication Technology. She is also a member of the board of (HEC) in The Hague.

Scholar career[]

Frissen graduated with a doctoral (master) degree in communication science from the Catholic University of Nijmegen (now known as the Radboud University Nijmegen) where she also obtained her PhD.


  • Brants, K., & Frissen, V. (2000). Inclusion and exclusion in the Information Society. Final Deliverable to the European Media and Technology Everyday Life Network, 2003.
  • Frissen, V. (1992). Trapped in Electronic Cages? Gender and New Information Technologies in the Public and Private Domain: An Overview of Research. Media, Culture and Society, 14(1), 31–49.
  • Frissen, V. (1994). The domestification of the telephone. Domestic technology and everyday life: Mutual shaping processes. Proceedings from COST A, 4, 28–30.
  • Frissen, V. (1995). Gender is calling: Some reflections on past, present and future uses of the telephone. The gender–technology relation.
  • Frissen, V. (1996). Gender, ICTs and Everyday Life. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
  • Frissen, V. (1997). Gender, ITCs and Everyday Life: Mutual Shaping Processes: European Commission.
  • Frissen, V. (2000). ICTs in the Rush Hour of Life. The Information Society, 16(1), 65-75.
  • Frissen, V. (2000). Under Construction. Persoonlijke en culturele identiteit in het multimediatijdperk. Infodrome.
  • Frissen, V. (2001). De schaduwdemocratie: ICT en maatschappelijke participatie: s. n.
  • Frissen, V. (2004). De domesticatie van de digitale wereld: Erasmus Universiteit.
  • Frissen, V., & de Mul, J. (2000). Under construction: persoonlijke en culturele identiteit in het multimediatijdperk: Infodrome.
  • Frissen, V., & Punie, Y. (1997). Never mind the gap: integrating qualitative and quantitative methods in ICT-User-Research: the case of busy households, paper presentado en el Sexto Workshop del grupo EMTEL: Barcelona.
  • Frissen, V., & Punie, Y. (2001). Present users, future homes–A theoretical perspective on acceptance and use of ICT in the home environment: TNO rapport STB-01-30a. Delft: TNO.
  • Frissen, V., & Zaat-Jones, J. (1999). ICT en arbeid in het dagelijks leven: Rathenau Instituut.
  • Servaes, J., & Frissen, V. (1997). De interpretatieve benadering in de communicatiewetenschap: theorie, methodologie en case-studies: Acco.
  • Van Audenhove, L., Cammaerts, B., Frissen, V., Engels, L., & Ponsioen, A. Transnational Civil Society in the Networked Society.


  1. ^ "CNN gebruikte website Twitter bij crash". (in Dutch). 26 February 2009. Retrieved 29 May 2011.
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