Vroman effect

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The Vroman effect, named after Leo Vroman, is exhibited by protein adsorption to a surface by blood serum proteins. The highest mobility proteins generally arrive first and are later replaced by less mobile proteins that have a higher affinity for the surface. A typical example of this occurs when fibrinogen displaces earlier adsorbed proteins on a biopolymer surface and is later replaced by high molecular weight kininogen. The process is delayed in narrow spaces and on hydrophobic surfaces, fibrinogen is usually not displaced. Under stagnant conditions initial protein deposition takes place in the sequence: albumin; globulin; fibrinogen; fibronectin; factor XII, and HMWK.[1]


  1. ^ Vroman, L., Adams, A. L., Fischer, G. C., Munoz, P. C. (1980). "Interaction of high molecular weight kininogen, factor XII, and fibrinogen in plasma at interfaces". Blood. 55 (1): 156–9. doi:10.1182/blood.V55.1.156.156. PMID 7350935.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

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