Wichard of Pohlheim

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Bistumswappen of Passau.

Wichard von Pohlheim was Bishop of Passau from 1280 to 1282.[1][2]


The year of his birth is unknown. As Bishop he was a Sponsor of the Cistercian monasteries of Fürstenzell and Heiligenkreuz as well as of the Dominican nunnery at , he also founded the Franciscan . He took part in the provincial synod in Salzburg in 1281. Various reforms were planned for the World and Order clergy, which were still connected with the efforts of Bishop . He died on 17 December 1282 in Vienna.


  1. ^ Herbert Wilhelm Wurster: Das Bistum Passau und seine Geschichte. 4 Bände, Straßburg 1994-2010.
  2. ^ Liste aller Bischöfe des Bistums.

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